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Travel Ban /Exemption


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Thank's for the reply .The first time I applied I wrote ; we needed to go back as my Brother-in -law is ill and I need to support my sister ,but did not include much detail. Yesterday I wrote ; We wish to return Permanently to the UK and attached a copy of my spouse's approved returning PR visa , which expires May 9th, We have even considered renouncing citizenship ,but I'm not sure if that would allow us to leave.? Thanks Again.


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33 minutes ago, olitinadelaide@hotmail.com said:

.The first time I applied I wrote ; we needed to go back as my Brother-in -law is ill and I need to support my sister ,but did not include much detail. Yesterday I wrote ; We wish to return Permanently to the UK and attached a copy of my spouse's approved returning PR visa , which expires May 9th, We have even considered renouncing citizenship

I think you know why the first one failed.  The second one was also guaranteed to fail, because you didn't attach any proof that you are genuinely leaving.

The Australian government doesn't care if you leave permanently. They're just worried that you'll lie about it, then decide to come back in a few weeks or months and need hotel quarantine etc. 

So you need to provide proof.  Things like a quote for your shipping; a copy of the letter giving notice to your landlord or evidence that you've put your house on the market; evidence that you've given notice to employers.   If you provide proper proof, you'll get the exemption no problem. 

Renouncing citizenship makes no difference.

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Thank's again for getting back to me, Yes I'm hoping my latest attempt will be accepted as we have sent in a clear copy of the other half's visa ,as for where we live I have not terminated our lease as I wanted to wait for a confirmed  flight date but if this one is turned down I will get medical evidence from my sister and complete a declaration.I have not terminated our lease as I wanted to wait on a flight date .All the best!

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43 minutes ago, olitinadelaide@hotmail.com said:

Thank's again for getting back to me, Yes I'm hoping my latest attempt will be accepted as we have sent in a clear copy of the other half's visa ,as for where we live I have not terminated our lease as I wanted to wait for a confirmed  flight date but if this one is turned down I will get medical evidence from my sister and complete a declaration.I have not terminated our lease as I wanted to wait on a flight date .All the best!

No, sorry, you'll only get refused again.  

Your other half's visa expiring makes no difference whatsoever, I'm afraid.   He still won't be allowed to leave because he doesn't have a permanent address overseas.

Your brother-in-law being ill wont work either, unless you can provide proof that there's absolutely no one else who can care for him.  A declaration will cut no ice, that's just your word for it.

People who are genuinely leaving, and can provide proof as I've listed above, are being approved all the time.  You can give your landlord a longer period of notice than usual, and there's nothing stopping you getting a written quote for shipping.  

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