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Covid and impact on Adelaide


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I read in admiration the way that Covid has been managed in SA, but just wondered how day to day life is with the restrictions in place.  Can you go as a family to a supermarket, go to a cafe as a family, should you wear masks when shopping, can you go to markets in a group, can you go into places without the Covid app  ?  

It would be great to get a sense of how things are, so any guidance would be helpful.



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1 hour ago, DavidIII said:


I read in admiration the way that Covid has been managed in SA, but just wondered how day to day life is with the restrictions in place. Can you go as a family to a supermarket, go to a cafe as a family, should you wear masks when shopping, can you go to markets in a group, can you go into places without the Covid app ?

It would be great to get a sense of how things are, so any guidance would be helpful.

Yes, you can do all those things - you'll think you've arrived in paradise! The Covid app isn't mandatory, but it's recommended.

Each state has different restrictions. Up here in Queensland you'd never know there was a pandemic going on in the rest of the world if it wasn't for a few floor markings and bottles of hand sanitizer as you enter shops etc. When I visited SA in October it was the same down there, although they did have a minor outbreak and were locked down for a few days back in November. Face masks aren't mandatory, so it's down to personal choice at the moment. Here's a link to the SA government info...


 @DavidIII - I thought you'd already arrived in Australia?

Edited by Wanderer Returns
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Hi. Yes Adelaide and SA are almost normal.  There is a QR code check in to be done everywhere (or sign in) but yes restaurants, cafes, bars, wineries, sports venues are all open. They all have restrictions on numbers though so always better to book in advance these days. 

This is normally festival time from now till the end of March. All has been very restricted but sort of still going ahead albeit in a much reduced form. Currently instead of the Tour Down Under we have an Aussie team only cycle race going on. The Fringe Starts soon but less venues and more restricted than usual. WOMAD is now just a series of seated concerts in the Park.

The main issue we face here is not being able to holiday in other states with any confidence we won’t be locked out! And we can’t travel overseas.

People do still social distance (mostly) and some wear masks but masks are not currently mandatory here in SA.  There are zero community cases in SA as I type. 


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4 hours ago, rammygirl said:

Hi. Yes Adelaide and SA are almost normal.  There is a QR code check in to be done everywhere (or sign in) but yes restaurants, cafes, bars, wineries, sports venues are all open. They all have restrictions on numbers though so always better to book in advance these days. 

This is normally festival time from now till the end of March. All has been very restricted but sort of still going ahead albeit in a much reduced form. Currently instead of the Tour Down Under we have an Aussie team only cycle race going on. The Fringe Starts soon but less venues and more restricted than usual. WOMAD is now just a series of seated concerts in the Park.

The main issue we face here is not being able to holiday in other states with any confidence we won’t be locked out! And we can’t travel overseas.

People do still social distance (mostly) and some wear masks but masks are not currently mandatory here in SA.  There are zero community cases in SA as I type. 

That's a biggie. It'd be nice to head down to northern NSW for the weekend, which is a couple of hours away, but no one wants to get hit with a 3 grand quarantine bill on return!

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Things are pretty normal here in SA as rammygirl alluded - with the most noticeable impact for me being the reduced crowds at sports. But at least we still have sports - in fact I'm off to the cricket tonight with 20,000 other people. Offices are still open but working from home has become much more commonplace - I'm on a 50/50 office/home split which is a nice arrangement that I think will last long after Covid has died down. There's barely a mask in sight, even on public transport or in crowded places - whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of opinion but at the moment there doesn't seem to be any Covid circulating outside of hotel quarantine so arguably they're not really necessary.

Schools, childcare, shopping etc is all largely unaffected - although lots of universities have increased their online teaching presence considerably for the time being, with lectures and tutorials limited.

Travel's been impacted obviously. We can't leave the country (well technically we could under certain circumstances but we'd never get back in) so there's always a worry that something will happen back in the UK that I won't be able to be around for. Interstate travel can be a bit patchy as in the couple of situations where Covid has leaked from hotel quarantine the internal borders have been closed whilst the contact tracing teams do their thing.

All in all life is very bearable and I feel terrible for all of my friends and family back in the UK who've had to endure months of hardship - much of which seems to have been brought on by utter mismanagement of the situation from the get go.

I disagree with the current Australian government on a multitude of issues but in terms of Covid management I'd give them a solid 9/10 - especially considering we've all be learning as we go along. State governments have all stepped up to the mark admirably as well. We continue to be a very lucky country.

Edited by llessur
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Welcome to Adelaide.

As others have said life in Adelaide is fairly normal.  I go out to cafes, restaurants, the cinema (social distancing in place), shopping, hairdresser, beautician, take my car to be serviced and generally go about my business as before.  You don't see many people wearing masks.  I use the QR code app on my phone when I visit places, which is easy to use.

If you switch on TV on channel 7 at the moment you will see the Adelaide Strikers playing cricket at the Adelaide Oval with crowds in attendance, although again with social distancing requirements in place.

Definitely feel very privileged to be able to live in Australia when you see what is happening around the world.


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