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General Sponsorship question


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Hello, I hope all of you are well! This is my first post - so please forgive me if this question has been addressed before. I want to know when seeking sponsorship, does the employer nominate the position and obtain approval prior to a job offer so that both are offered at the same time, or is it done after a candidate accepts? I'm trying to calculate reasonable waiting times. I hope that makes sense! Thank you in advance, and happy holidays! -Kim

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On 23/12/2020 at 03:50, Kim33 said:

Hello, I hope all of you are well! This is my first post - so please forgive me if this question has been addressed before. I want to know when seeking sponsorship, does the employer nominate the position and obtain approval prior to a job offer so that both are offered at the same time, or is it done after a candidate accepts? I'm trying to calculate reasonable waiting times. I hope that makes sense! Thank you in advance, and happy holidays! -Kim

A bigger question is, what kind of sponsorship are you seeking?  If it's a 482 visa (which is a short-term 2 to 4 years visa), then the process can be quite fast.   If it's a 186 DE visa, the process can take a long time (which is why it's not used much, because very few employers are willing to wait a year to fill a vacancy unless there's a really desperate shortage in your field). 

However right at this moment, unless you're in a priority occupation ( basically medical personnel), sponsorship visas aren't being processed because you wouldn't be allowed into the country due to Covid border closures. 

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14 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

@MARYROSE02, I'd be careful posting link to migration agent sites, because it could look as though you're recommending that agent (wihch I know you're not),   Besides, you don't know anything about them or even whether their information is accurate.  

I was just trying to promote an answer to some of the unanswered questions and doing a bit of research along the way, increasing my knowledge f the immi process. 

Perhaps you are right though. I shall just post links to the immi.gov sites instead. After a while I get bored trying to answer the questions anyway. They can Google as well as I can!

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23 minutes ago, MARYROSE02 said:

After a while I get bored trying to answer the questions anyway. They can Google as well as I can!

I've noticed you answering these old questions, and find myself wondering how I didn't see them when they were posted originally.  I check the "New Posts" on PomsinOz every day (yes, I have no life), and some of them are questions i would've answered if I'd seen them - but I didn't.  I wonder if there's a glitch occasionally, or if some forums just aren't included in the "New Posts"?

I do think that if they're more than a couple of months old, the person has moved on and isn't likely to see the answer, so I don't bother.  I assume they're just as capable of Googling as I am!

Edited by Marisawright
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2 hours ago, Marisawright said:

I've noticed you answering these old questions, and find myself wondering how I didn't see them when they were posted originally.  I check the "New Posts" on PomsinOz every day (yes, I have no life), and some of them are questions i would've answered if I'd seen them - but I didn't.  I wonder if there's a glitch occasionally, or if some forums just aren't included in the "New Posts"?

I do think that if they're more than a couple of months old, the person has moved on and isn't likely to see the answer, so I don't bother.  I assume they're just as capable of Googling as I am!

It's usually if I've got nothing to do - we had a break from uni last week after we submitted our first assignments. Now we are back studying again for four weeks on poetry. I look at the New Posts too! I also have breaks from PIO for whatever reason, a bit like listening to The Archers, which I binge on  for a while, then forget about.

Googling some of the Unanswered Questions has increased my knowledge of the migration process and some of the terms. Also, sometimes, other people will pick up on a question I answered and there's a "rebirth!".

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On 23/12/2020 at 03:50, Kim33 said:

Hello, I hope all of you are well! This is my first post - so please forgive me if this question has been addressed before. I want to know when seeking sponsorship, does the employer nominate the position and obtain approval prior to a job offer so that both are offered at the same time, or is it done after a candidate accepts? I'm trying to calculate reasonable waiting times. I hope that makes sense! Thank you in advance, and happy holidays! -Kim

It depends on the situation as to what would be best.

The nomination and visa applications can be lodged together or in sequence.

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Hi everyone, thank you for your responses! I’ve been googling but it can be a little confusing. I am in the medical field so I do qualify for exemption, but it’s unclear if most hospitals use the 482 or the 186 visas should they ever sponsor me. I understand they have to do 2 rounds of recruitment prior to considering a non citizen, but I didn’t know if they had to nominate and receive approval that they can sponsor for the position with immigration first or what the next step was. Anyway, thanks again, I appreciate all of your help! 

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1 hour ago, Kim33 said:

Hi everyone, thank you for your responses! I’ve been googling but it can be a little confusing. I am in the medical field so I do qualify for exemption, but it’s unclear if most hospitals use the 482 or the 186 visas should they ever sponsor me. I understand they have to do 2 rounds of recruitment prior to considering a non citizen, but I didn’t know if they had to nominate and receive approval that they can sponsor for the position with immigration first or what the next step was. Anyway, thanks again, I appreciate all of your help! 

I'd say you'll have more chance of a 482 because the processing time is much faster.   With a 186, they're sponsoring you then having to wait a year for you to arrive, which I can't imagine many employers doing - and if you're in the medical field, then you'd be better off going for a skilled visa in your own right, since it takes about the same amount of time.

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That’s very helpful Marisa, thank you! I’ve expressed my interest in the 189 and 190s, but haven’t received an invitation yet so I’m hoping to have more success with the sponsorship route. Hopefully something will work out soon :). 

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