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Independent skilled visa


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I haven't submitted any application yet or been for any paid advise as to my eligibility for this visa. I have been busy reading and researching on the criteria etc. I would love any thoughts people might have on this forum!

It looks as though I score 90 points. (Age / degree etc). ( In reality do people need far more points?)

Im struggling to figure out whether the last 10 years work could be classified as working in the area of the degree that is on the skills list.

My degree falls under (Botany / Environmental Science )

I've been self-employed growing and supplying eucalyptus for koalas in zoos. ( sounds great but no idea if it ticks the right boxes ) Is this something that is best to contact the skills assessing body directly for answers to?


thanks for reading and good luck with all your applications

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8 hours ago, Driftwood said:

struggling to figure out whether the last 10 years work could be classified as working in the area of the degree that is on the skills list.

It’s not your degree that is on the skills list, but your occupation. Usually the skills assessment authority will want to see educational qualifications in line with your skilled experience. 

2 hours ago, VERYSTORMY said:

You would be best to speak to a registered migration agent. 

This is a good idea in your situation as it will give you an overview of the process and what options maybe available to you, as well as pointers for skills assessment. 

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Its worth giving @paulhand a message to see what he can do.

My own view is that Eucalyptus cultivator is unlikely to be an in demand occupation in Australia given that 77% of all Australian forest is eucalyptus.

Someone like Paul knows the system well and can help you draw out what parts of your experience highlight your skills and worth to Australia for a visa application

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