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Advice Needed please - Which Visa


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Hi all

i am currently in the UK and looking to move to Austrailia with my family.

For now - and with the little reading I have done it looks like the 189 or the 190 visa are my better options.

I have roughly tallied up some points and it seems we are around the 75 marker..ish

Which would be the the better visa to apply for right now such that it’s more favourable to the points that I have.

I have also read that there will be changes in Nov. Would you suggest me waiting and aubmitting my EOI in Nov? After the changes have been implemented?

We also have not yet had our skills assessed - can you advise how long does the institution take to come back with a response? Both my husband and I have IT back grounds?

Would you suggest me sending an EOI now without the skills being assessed? Or should I wait for the skills to be assessed first then submit my EOI - I’m abit concerned that I may not get the assessment back in time (just incase I get an invite  to apply 🙂 

Any advice welcome. We are just starting this process and already it is so over whelming

Thank You 



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Pretty sure you need a skills assessment first- read on the skills assessment website that you meet the criteria with regards to qualifications, experience, etc for your particular profession. Just having it on the list is not enough. You then need to gather all that evidence to apply for a skills assessment. That in itself can be time consuming but is an important part of the process. 

If you are claiming points for English, you do actually need to sit the test and score the higher grades to claim for the higher points. (Being a native English speaker is not enough) Again, you need to do this before you put in your EOI, especially if you are relying for those points to boost your score.

I’d find out your actual score- not roughly. Immigration is a competition really amongst those with the most points. Maybe have a chat to a migration agent who can advise you where you stand and what your initial steps are. Any that post on here are reputable and mara registered and will do a free, no obligation assessment.

good luck

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Will just add to the above that, it is important you tally your points accurately as over claiming is grounds for refusal. 

Also, a 190 requires a state to sponsor you, you need to check if any states are sponsoring your occupation and that you meet any conditions the state is imposing. You should also be aware that some states will routinely refuse 190 requests and instead offer a 489

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Thank you very much for your replies

Sorry I should have given more details

Yea that’s true I will gather all of the docs. Do you know roughly how long it will take to assess our skills? Just from your experience? 

Ive completed an IELTS test 4 years ago when I moved from South Africa to the UK. Will that still be valid or would I need to take another test? 

Where should I check to see which states are sponsoring? 

Are the changes in Nov in favour of immigrants and any specific visa type?

Thank you

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Thank you Paul

Right, need to get started now. 

Seeing that the last applications for 190 is Sep - seems like I will need to apply for the visa that replaces it 481 (if I’m not mistaken)

In the interim I need to get going on the preparations for the 189

Ive checked for state nominations- most of them are closed at this time unfortunately 

Would you recommend any other type of visa that I should consider? 


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