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Extinction rebellion

Gbye grey sky

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Interested in these current protests.

Personally I feel huge respect for the many people who are willing to take this action.  Is it a flash in the pan which the establishment will simply ride out with condescension and empty platitudes or does it represent a real shift in bringing this issue to the forefront of everyone’s thinking?

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That there are still so many people in a state of total denial or total complacency is the shocking thing.


I wonder if this programme will get a wider audience outside of the UK.  I worry it is simply preaching to the choir with the powerful rallying the throngs of the wilfully ignorant to maintain the status quo to the bitter end.

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Big business has too much of a stranglehold so I am pessimistic. 

Think of the petroleum companies back in the lead petrol days.  The companies knew how dangerous lead was in the atmosphere, because their employees were dying, but they covered it up - and yet those same executives were living in that atmosphere.   Didn't they worry that their own children's health was being affected by the lead belching out of car exhausts?  Apparently not, or not enough to give up the money!  

The bosses of big business are the same today.  

Frankly I'm now glad that I never had children because I would be so fearful for their future.  

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I have a bit of insight into Extinction Rebellion as my ex-bro in law, Roger Hallam, is one of the founders and his ex, my sister and her family are also heavily involved.  My 48 year old sister was one of the half-naked protesters in the public gallery.... 🤣  XR has only been going since about September 2018 but has membership all over the UK and around the world.  There are branches here in Australia and some XR members were responsible for stopping a coal train going to Port of Brisbane the other day.  Not much media coverage and the authoritarian Queensland police have thrown the book at the "offenders". A far cry from how the UK is treating those arrested in London - only a small proportion of the 900 arrested have actually been charged...

What is interesting about this organisation is that it is attracting people from all backgrounds - not just long-haired vegan hippies (of which my ex-bro in law is one!!!).  There are very respectable older people involved who are regular church goers, much to my niece's surprise and delight.

My ex-bro in law has been a serial campaigner.  He did time for breaking into Greenham Common when a student in the 80s.  He was also jailed fairly recently for climate action activities and went on hunger-strike. 

I too am not very optimistic about change happening too quickly but the more people who tell politicians that this is a major issue then the more likely they are to listen.  Will be interesting to see how many votes the Greens get on 18 May.

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