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Down Under Live - London


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Not been to London but been to others. My personal opinion is that it is not really worth the expense. You can get the same information a lot easier on their website and webinars.

i also found that you can be overwhelmed by things you do not need to be concerned with for about 12 months like shipping. I don’t tknow what stage you are at but keep an open mind.

a lot of the companies are partnered up and refer you to each other. You can forget to price check then because the other company gave you a positive feeling. I got 3 quotes for shipping and the one we big name met at the show were way out but dropped the price when pulled up.

i have seen how bad some of the recruiters are too. Smart teach for one have not been good. The uk ream are really good at building it all up but then you get robbed off to one of the state offices in Aus. We spoke to a guy in their office who had has down for the wrong state and when corrected his words were why are you going there there’s no jobs. My said she had seen one advertised and sent hiim link saying she will apply direct to school.  Ext thing we know he had apparently sent her application and under no circumstances should the school be contacted. Never heard from him again. 

I know it sounds like a little rant but what I am saying is remember no matter how helpful they seem it is a business model. 

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My concern is that all the companies are there to make money off you.  They won't make money if you don't migrate, so of course they're going to exaggerate your chances of success.  They want to generate excitement so you'll sign up for their services at an inflated price.

If you are serious about migrating, then it's much more sensible to avoid all the hype, pay for a good MARA registered agent to handle your application - and for all your other questions, ask here!

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I went last year, and whilst I got the same feeling about it as the posts above, I did go knowing this and didn’t have high expectations.

I was however surprised how small the expo was, but even so found it interesting. A pet shipping company had a stand with example shipping crates and were useful in answering all our questions.

One of the recruiters advice was to go onto google and search for my job role in the city I was interested in! Basically stating the obvious, putting no effort into it, but then again he did have a long line of people to get through.... other recruiters took my details but never contacted me.

There was some useful information overall, but I wouldn’t return. If you have a free afternoon and go into it open minded then why not...

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