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Pom/Oz citizen but want to return to uk leaving family in Oz


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Is there anyone else who despite living in Oz for 16 yrs and been a citizen just don't feel at home.

Our sons are all settled here with partners and one Son still in the UK.

Husband made redundant got another job but we are just over the expense of living in Sydney.Is Sydney home no tried really hard but just do not belong.

Husband finally told me yep feel like that too....went back to Manchester 5 months ago and it was home wet grey skys and so what the next step .

Can you get another job the wrong side of 55yrs can you start again.Seems a bit crazy but as I look around feel happy to part with everything .

What about Brexit are we crazy mmm nice to hear your views.

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9 minutes ago, Jenniferrose said:

Is there anyone else who despite living in Oz for 16 yrs and been a citizen just don't feel at home.

Our sons are all settled here with partners and one Son still in the UK.

Husband made redundant got another job but we are just over the expense of living in Sydney.Is Sydney home no tried really hard but just do not belong.

Husband finally told me yep feel like that too....went back to Manchester 5 months ago and it was home wet grey skys and so what the next step .

Can you get another job the wrong side of 55yrs can you start again.Seems a bit crazy but as I look around feel happy to part with everything .

What about Brexit are we crazy mmm nice to hear your views.

I wouldn't worry about brexit. It may be an opportunity if you are bringing cash back.

But it's not easy living the other side of the world from your children as you know. Think carefully. You may find out you don't belong anywhere. Or maybe you will find you can live anywhere.

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You are very far from being alone.  What you're feeling is perfectly normal and happens to a lot of migrants once they get older.

Unfortunately at the wrong side of 55, you've left it late to make the move and you'll need to do your research carefully.

Jobs are not a problem, I don't think.  Living in Sydney, I always thought the whole world was prejudiced against older workers - but when I was back in the UK a couple of years ago, I was pleasantly surprised by the attitude there.  

What you need to look at is retirement. Your superannuation will be fine - assuming you've got it in a good fund, it will go on earning interest, and you'll be able to convert it to a pension when you retire, just the same as you would if you stayed in Australia. Keep an Australian bank account open so you can have the money paid in there and transfer it when it suits you.  

The aged pension is another matter, though.  If you leave Australia before you're eligible to claim it, you can't claim it from the UK at all.   And you won't qualify for a full British aged pension, either (though you can make some back-payments on your NI contributions to boost it a bit). So unless you've got a good superannuation balance and/or a nice pile of savings, retirement could be a challenge.

I guess worst case scenario, you could go home, work in the UK and then retire there until your funds start to run low, then hightail it back to Australia to claim your Aussie aged pension...

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