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For small businesses etc in UK/moving out to Adelaide


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I've been around here for a while now, frequently scrolling through the posts on PIA and PIO and I'm posting this out to people really who have small businesses, organisations and groups etc.


Basically I've got a new website: Megga WebDesign is the link, and what I'm doing is trying to create and help create websites for small businesses and groups/organisations etc for absolutely no cost at all.


I'm quite serious about this, I put a lot of time and effort into doing things like this and I've been practicing web design for many years but just decided to start this up as I'll have tonnes of extra time on my hands in the coming months.


I also felt that with the possibility of migrating to Adelaide, it would be a fantastic opportunity to get to understand the kinds of trades that people take Down Under from the UK, or start Down Under.


I'm aiming to get some sites going worldwide... the UK, Australia, New Zealand, S Africa, Canada, The USA and Europe to start with and then to extend this little by little.


Currently I do some work experience at a school in SE England teaching year 7/8/9 ICT and Design/Graphics/Products & Technology so I also have access to lots of professionals in other areas as well as my own skills.


I'd love to hear from anyone who's in this kind of situation, either here or you may contact me directly through my website.


Thanks again, and look forward to hearing from you soon.





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