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I really want to move to Australia but options limited


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I'm 39 year old single male with no sale dependents . I have nothing really to keep me in Ireland and I've become very bored and disillusioned with the place.  I have a brother in Melbourne who is an Australian citizen who  I visit twice a year . He'd love me to move over and I save all my cash for 2 vacations a year . The problem is that my occupation of chemist was taken off the skills list back in July of this year . I'm hoping it comes back on the stsol next January even if that's unlikely.  I would also appreciate any advice for reskilling in a career that's in demand in Australia and one I could do relatively quick.  At 39 . Time isn't on my side 

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To be honest I think it is going to be difficult. There is no short way and you would be looking at a number of years of training and then most occupations require several years post qualification experience, which would push you over the age limit. There are some exceptions such as degree qualified engineers and teachers don't need a lot of post grad experience which would possibly the quickest route - a pgce can be done in a year, but you might struggle to get on one if you haven't been involved in schools are something. 

Also, in the same way you have seen your occupation come off the list, any occupation you train for may come off. 

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