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School at arrival

Guest nastasia

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Guest nastasia

Hi, we are moving to melbourne at the end of this year and will be renting temporarily. Our son will need to join a primary school. However since we do not have a rental place yet how will my son be admitted to a school? Also what if we decide to move to another area not far, does my son need to move school also?

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Keep him out of school until you’ve got something that’s going to be vaguely permanent. Schools usually like to see evidence of a longer term residence as they aren’t obliged to take a child who lives outside their priority enrolment area. Equally, they are obliged to find a place for a child who lives within their catchment area so you don’t have to worry about whether they will get a place anywhere.

Nobody is going to give a toss if you keep him out for a couple of months while you get settled. It’s not worth enrolling him if you’re going somewhere else after a few weeks/months but if it’s around the 6-12 month mark, no, they won’t ask you to move but you may we’ll find it more convenient to have him in the neighbourhood school.

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36 minutes ago, nastasia said:

Thanks for the reply. I will be renting for a year most probably at the start

Well a years rental will be fine but it might take you several weeks to find one. Don’t rush him into school until you’ve signed the rental agreement 

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To add, if you are arriving the end of the year, schools break mid December for the 6 week summer holidays, so no real rush to get him into school for perhaps only a few weeks at the end of the academic year. You'll have until nearer the end of January before schools open again. 

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Just to add, we are in NSW and if you move after your child is enrolled in school and you are further than 2.2km (I think) you can apply for a free school bus pass. Good Luck with the move. 

Also, in my experience, once you enroll at a school your child can literally start the next day (if you can get organized with uniform etc). I met with my kids schools (one in Primary and one in High) on the Tuesday and they both said kids could start next day but I asked for a Monday start rather to give me time to get uniform, books etc.

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