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New child of Permanent Residents


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My question is about what I need to do to make sure my new baby can get back in to Oz after a trip to the UK on a UK passport.

I'm PR (186 visa, 2016) and recently had a baby in Australia. I understand that she's eligible for Australian citizenship. I'm taking her back to the UK for a 2 week trip in a few weeks time. I applied for her birth certificate and then a UK passport for her which has just come back, so getting in to the UK shouldn't be a problem. The birth certificate got returned to the UK Passport office for some customs breach at Heathrow so is somewhere in the post again and so I can't currently apply for citizenship/Aussie passport for her. What do I need to do so that there's no issues on our return to Australia?


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She is automatically an Australian citizen if you had PR at the time she was born. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/life/chil

Children born to a permanent resident of Australia

Children born in Australia automatically acquire Australian citizenship if at least one parent is an Australian citizen or permanent resident at the time of the child's birth.



My understanding is the following. I'd have sorted the Aus passport first and foremost as she could have entered the UK on it (as a tourist), she didn't require a UK passport for a visit. However, coming back, Aus immigration expect to see an Aus passport for Aus citizens entering Australia. On a UK passport it would require a visa of some type to be held, but as she is a citizen already, she can't hold a visa. Airline would expect the same, valid Aus passport to show she is eligible to enter Aus. Or a visa on a UK one but as I mentioned, she can't hold a visa afail if she is an Aus citizen.

TBH I don't know what you should do. Hopefully someone has a suggestion. 




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I'd seen this, but does she need an Australian passport to return to Australia? Do I need to log her with immigration? When I go through the process to apply for an Australian passport it asks me to tick which piece of documentation I can provide to prove citizenship and include parent's Aussie birth cert, parent's Aussie passport or parent's Aussie citizenship certificate - we don't have any of these as we're PR, not citizens. Any ideas?

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As I said, my understanding is an Aus citizen should have an Aus passport to enter Aus on. And supposedly to depart also. Its pretty clear on the Gov website. 


Your airline may struggle with her not having an Aus passport also as they require this or a visa to show a person can enter Aus. 

I really don't know what to suggest, as an Aus passport is usually the accepted thing to carry. As I said, I hope someone else has a suggestion. 


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You could perhaps ask your local passport what is needed re the Aus passport. It should be easy to find the number and give them a call and ask all your questions. They should be able to tell you what is required for the passport application if you are both PR. 

I found this also. 


If you were born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 and one (or both) of your parents was an Australian permanent resident, you must provide evidence of your own Australian citizenship with a citizenship certificate issued by the Department of Home Affairs.  The Department of Home Affairs website provides information on how to apply for evidence of Australian citizenship

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Thanks for all the info. I stupidly hadn't considered discussion with the passport office (I'm on hold to them now), I'd tried to get through to immigration without success. 

If the birth cert hadn't taken 6 weeks to come through, then the passport 5 weeks we'd have had plenty of time also get an Australian passport. And I thought getting the passport photo of a 6 week old was stressful!!

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She is required to leave and enter Australia on an Aussie passport. You can apply for express processing so you should get her Aussie passport with a couple of weeks before you leave. She wouldn’t be allowed on the plane to return to Aus without it so you do rather have to get it sorted ASAP.

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1 hour ago, Cubic said:

Thanks for all the info. I stupidly hadn't considered discussion with the passport office (I'm on hold to them now), I'd tried to get through to immigration without success. 

If the birth cert hadn't taken 6 weeks to come through, then the passport 5 weeks we'd have had plenty of time also get an Australian passport. And I thought getting the passport photo of a 6 week old was stressful!!

Hope you've been able to get through and found a workable solution. Took about 12 attempts to get our son's first passport pics at a couple of months old xD

You really didn't need the UK passport this time round for a holiday, would have been better to have gotten the Aus one sorted for travel, then the UK one at a later date. 

FWIW, look into travel insurance for the trip. You are entitled to reciprocal emergency treatment but with a young baby its well worth having decent travel insurance to cover the entire trip for you all. We always take out travel insurance when visiting the UK on holiday from Aus. Not go without it tbh.  

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Thanks snifter. I got through after an hour and they basically said I need to speak to immigration, who are now closed. But that to get an Aussie passport she will need a certificate of citizenship. 

We have annual travel insurance and don't go to the UK without it - agree it's an essential. 



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