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Car Aus - UK


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Hello all.

Please could I know if anyone has experience shipping a car (bought in Australia) from Australia to the UK.

I understand I would need to arrange to change the speedometer from km to miles.

I do know it probably would be quite expensive. The car we purchased is only a few years old (just), only 50k on the clock and has been fully looked after/serviced. It's a popular car in the UK however not as popular here so we managed to secure a very good price for it here.


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I have read a multitude of posts on this site over the past few days and I respectively ask this to not be turned into a UK vs Australia thread. I do not wish to debate. I shall leave that there.

We carried out a huge amount of research and are knowledgeable about the price/value of this car in  the UK and now Australia. Just lacking knowledge with shipping to the UK.

I am asking for advice from anyone who has shipped their car from Australia to the UK. I shall also contact the professional as suggested by unzippy.

Thank you.

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I'm not sure what you mean by turning it into a UK v Australia thread, I see no sign of that. Over the years numerous people have commented on on how it really is only worth doing if the car is unusual or a classic hence why so asked what sort of car it is. 

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12 hours ago, Questions said:

I have read a multitude of posts on this site over the past few days and I respectively ask this to not be turned into a UK vs Australia thread. I do not wish to debate. I shall leave that there.

I have my own opinions about Bristolman but in this case, he is not turning this into a UK vs Aus thread.  He is right, and you'll find the Iron Lady thread repeats that advice again and again.  For most people, it's not worth shipping a car.   Yours may well be different, the Iron Lady calculator will tell you.  

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