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Worries re student visa


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Hi all, 

I have been in a relationship with an aussie since October 17. We met in the UK when he was on holiday and I decided to come to Oz on a tourist visa in December 17 and have just left oz after my first 3 months. I had just started uni in the UK (studying paramedic science) but deferred my place to follow my heart and see whether this relationship was going to work. 

I was initially going to apply for a prospective marriage visa but we don't want to rush getting married as we've only been together for 5 months. I have now applied to study nursing diploma at TAFE because this is cheaper than uni and will allow me to work and actually meet people and get out of the house. I don't actually really need to work because my partner is very well paid and is paying all rent and food etc. 

My question is whether it is likely my student visa will be granted as I will be living with my aussie partner and therefore they may say that I am not a genuine temporary entrant. 

Any advice from former experience would be greatly appreciated. 

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Hi Amy

I cannot comment in visas, but have a little similar experience from years and years ago in the US.

I would point out the lady in question is now my wife, so don't think of this as something to panic over.

I moved to Virginia to see where our relationship was going, but only real long term approach was to study and stay with her. And it was fab. Until she threw me out one day. Turned out a friend of hers had become spiteful and accused me of doing some terrible things to her daughter. Now, I can understand the fit of rage: I would be livid as hell as well. And thankfully, two days later, she realised I didnt know where the friend lived and had no idea she even had a child.

It left me in a hell of a pickle, though. And I have often wondered AFTER THAT, what my situation would have been and could I have afforded to pay for things for long enough to get myself on my feet until I could get back to Edinburgh.

Like I say, we are now happily married. Just try and make sure you have a good safety harness in place. 


Truly, best of luck with it :-)

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I think it's wise not to rush into a PMV to be honest.   I can understand you choosing the cheapest option - is being an Enrolled nurse what you really want (if you were thinking of studying paramedic science)? 

Celt's tale is a cautious one - and something I hadn't thought about - but one in which you should I guess consider and ensure you have options for getting home if the relationship doesn't work out.

I can't comment on if the visa will be granted 

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