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Planning a UK Wedding From Aus


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Hi all,

I was hoping that someone could just give me some hints & tips for planning a wedding back in the UK from here!

We are planning on getting married in the UK in December, we're both permanent residents over here, but have a huge family back home...so it just makes sense!

Does anyone have any experience with this? Especially with regard to the marriage notice we have to give to a registrar, and needing to be back in the UK for 28 days prior to the wedding.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance :) 

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I’m sure people have managed it. Not sure how great it would have been for their stress levels.

I like the idea above, have the registry part here and then the celebration side and another ceremony in the UK. Then you don’t have the worry of the 28 days notice and other things. You can just go celebrate with your loved ones. 


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If you're thinking of a church wedding - you may need to reside in the parish (or your parents reside and attend church there).

I would contact the register office of the area you're intending marrying.  If you have ideas of venue's then it's easy to contact them via email and arrange/pay deposits.

Whilst it sounds practical  to have a ceremony here and a celebration in the UK - for me personally, having family and friends attend would be what was important.

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We were living in Sydney and organised our wedding in the UK from there. We wanted to get married in church and obviously had problems due to not living in the parish but we were advised that we had to apply to the Archbishop of Canterbury for a special license and we had no problems. 

With regards to all the other stuff, we did a lot of research on venues, photographers, florists and cake bakers etc then had a 2 week trip in July to view the short list (we got married in November). We managed to secure all the things we needed during our trip and then went back to Sydney and relaxed. 

It was all really easy thanks to the internet and family back in the UK who could sort out any last minute stuff. We flew into the UK on a Weds, got married on the Sat and flew out for our honeymoon on the Sunday

Good luck

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