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Costs associated with owning a house in NSW


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Would anyone who owns a house in Aus mind sharing what additional costs you have to pay weekly/monthly aside from your mortgage? particularly things you don't usually pay for when renting, for example,  water, insurances etc? I'm just trying to get an idea of monthly layout.

Thank you.

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The only ones I can think of in addition to those you would have in a rental are council rates, water, building insurance.

 Annual council rates are quoted in real estate ads online.   Water of course will vary with number of occupants, size of garden and how much watering it needs.  Building insurance will vary according to size, construction type, security features and location of house.

I pay $1400 a year for rates,  about $220 per quarter for water and about $1200 a year for combined building and contents insurance (that has just risen dramatically when my renewal became due in October).    However I don't know how that would compare with a typical house in your chosen location in NSW.

Edited by Skani
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There is also an ESL (emergency services levy) in SA don’t know if this applies in other states think we pay about $400 a year for this. The water bill also includes drainage and sewerage so will be more even if you paid water use and supply in your rental, which seems to be more common now.

Also check out land tax for your state.

Oh and the ongoing costs of maintaining the property do add up!

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I think the OP is in NSW. Central coast?

As stated above the most common additional costs are Council rates, water rates and a more comprehensive insurance policy to include the building. I live in NSW and I’m not aware of any extra levies. I think land tax in NSW is only payable for investment properties, not principal places of residence.

The only other potential cost not payable by renters is the Strata Levy, if the property is on a strata title. Usually only applies to townhouses, apartments and the like.




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