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Nurses: New ANMAC application procedure from 15th January

Richard Gregan

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ANMAC announces new online application process from 15th January

From 15th of January, ANMAC are introducing a new online application process. The current application process will be closed from 15th December until the new service opens on the 15th January.

The biggest change is that ANMAC will now accept colour scans of original documents - no more certifications!

Prior to the application, applicants (those submitting full applications) must have arranged for their registration verification to be sent directly to ANMAC from their nursing authority.

The full processing fee will also be reduced from $600 to $515.

Hopefully, the new system will allow for faster assessment times although this remains to be seen.

In addition to the standard full assessment and the modified assessment pathways, ANMAC will be introducing a new 'modified PLUS assessment'. This will allow those applicants who have a current 'Notice of in principle Australian Registration' to apply for an assessment. This offers an assessment pathway to those who have been awarded Australian registration but have not yet activated their registration. The modified assessment and the modified plus assessment are both charged at $340.




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