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Time to De-clutter


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Well we are fast approaching the point where we can submit our EOI (end of september) and we are roughly hoping to move to Perth around August next year based on many factors including the Kids schooling. So we have decided to actively de-clutter the house. 

All I can say is its not going to be a quick process, we seem to have amassed so much stuff and by the time we have finished my Ebay feedback should have gone up loads lol.

There's many things we plan to sell some sooner others last minute such as cars and motorbikes etc.

How did everyone else find the process of de-cluttering and getting rid of stuff?, did you find it therapeutic to move towards a fresh start or emotional to let things go?



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Therapeutic yes, it gives you a sense that you are doing something constructive. The little extra cash is helpful it may pay for something... I managed to sell both my cars the day before we flew out which was obviously fortunate for us. I had 'we buy any car' on standby! We managed to get money back from our shipping as we over estimated what we would end up taking. We bought various things second hand and cheaply over here and have slowly been replacing certain things but kept some of it as well. Fantastic Furniture is great as a starter, maybe not long term.

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I found it fine. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to ship, sell, recycle and bin. And got on with it over a few months so it was all sorted with at least a month to go. We kept a few things back that we used till about 4 or 5 days before and then were sold or taken to to recycling centre. A few other bits were given to friends. Air mattresses were our beds for the last week. Our last night in the UK we had camping chairs and air mattresses and that was it. Went out for a meal to our local pub and stayed a bit later there and then just went home, slept and got underway the next morning. A friend called round to collect the camping gear and took the last 2 bags of rubbish to the tip for us :)

I didn't bother with anything that made work for me. So didn't go the ebay route as that meant posting stuff and faffing with bids or selling online. Just went with listing larger items (and some smaller ones) on Gumtree and local FB buy and sell pages, local ads in shops and the like. So people came to me to collect rather than me having to go anywhere. Also meant I could do this over time and whittle things down a few times over the months as the first round I didn't get shot of anywhere near enough stuff for my liking. I think I did a room at a time to break it down in manageable portions. 

I'm not too emotional about that sort of thing. Sure I liked my sofa and dining table but we got other ones here I like just as much. Sofa here I like more so :) 

Migrating is a huge thing. You may well feel a bit flat or sad to see some things go but you'll probably need to develop a bit of a thicker skin and not get too swept up into it all. Distance yourself a bit from it and put a practical hat on when sorting it all out and selling it. 




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30 minutes ago, Melbpom said:

My biggest issue is with paperwork, I seem to have kept every scrap of paper for the last 30 years. I've broken 3 shredders so far and I'm still going.



we too have spent last 3 days shredding old paperwork, especially old uni course notes no longer needed.

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Guest The Pom Queen

We held lots of car boot sales and what we did was put the money raised in to our Australia kitty, it gave us more incentive to sell and reach different goals we had set. It's also worth while have a few different piles, one for getting rid off asap, one an unsure pile and the other a keep.

We had boxes and boxes of photos. Unfortunately I threw lots away including all of my youth which I now regret. Hubby did scan and put a lot on our hard drives as well.

Are you all bringing a container or leaving everything behind. 

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