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Regional Oz, go back or try a city


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Hi We have lived throughout Europe and U.K. And consider the world belongs to those who respect it and braves enough to explore it. My family has been here, in Riverina NSW 3 years and to summarise it's been an uphill battle all the way. Everything from Telstra issues to aggressive attitudes at work and a lot in between. We have met some great people but they also moan that our experiences are pretty normal for regional nsw. So my question is do we sell the beautiful house and move to another state or before we hit 50 go back to the UK.  I'm not one to give in but our mental health is at risk but are we experiencing the norm for emigrating to Aus? and it's part of the journey everyone experiences?Let's face it Britain has its issues but I don't remember it being this hard. We have a son starting Year 10 in Jan 18 so big issues if we get this wrong. Too late for his GCSEs but no student loan for uni if we wait and return at Year 12.  Anyone had similar dilemmas that could give an insight? Thank you

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........rural is hard.....

........there's a thread on here about it

........may I ask if you have something to go back to...?

.......an area you previously enjoyed with family and friends?

.......anywhere new is a gamble tbh

.......and schooling is a priority

.......also moving from rural to a city you will see the cost rise

........houses dearer 

........lots of questions .....only you can decide what's right for you and yours

.......good luck..

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I'd send the son back now - he could start his GCSE course tomorrow (literally if you can get him a place in school) and be only a little bit behind and maybe only a little older than the cohort - do you have relatives he could board with? You could then have some time to look around and see if there is anything better that floats your boat. What are the job prospects for you? If you discover good prospects elsewhere in Australia then your son can come back and join you and as he's only yr9 into 10 he will have missed nothing of importance in Aus - as long as the decision is made before he starts year 11. Or you might score work in UK which would help the move back.

If the Riverina is killing you, I'd say move on. No point in a beautiful house if you're too unhappy to enjoy it.


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The advice to send your son back to UK at his age just to get into the UK school system has to be thought about long and hard.

as an expat, our daughter like lots of our friends children, was left at school in UK while we were thousands of miles away.

They have to be tough to cope without you, and so do you.

might be ok in the very short term, but the things you miss out on being so far away are hard to cope with, how will you feel if they are sick for instance, crying down the phone, they are at a very vulnerable age, can find life hard to cope with, without you around, we would never have done it if there had been an alternative. I still feel guilty and I was one of the lucky ones who could fly back at the drop of a hat and cheaply when there was a crisis, ( eg when her best friend died), to my husbands job, different story if you have to pay full fare.

Of course education is important, but you can I think go to 6th form college and still take GCSE's to catch up.

There is of course the problem of being eligible for university, but again you don't have to go at 18.

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I'd never live rural here in Aus. Way too hard going in so many ways. I don't know if I tried it and it didn't work I'd be heading back to the UK though. Actually, I'd not be. I'd be heading somewhere else but not the UK. Not because its terrible but because it isn't where I want to be at this point in my life. I'd be heading elsewhere in the world for something different. 

City or suburban living in Aus can go either way. Some like it, love it and are happy, others not. Much depends on the person, their situation, work and so much more. 

As a family, where do you want to be in the longer term? Are you only considering the UK because its been tough doing country living in Aus or are their other factors? 

FWIW, I lived rural in the UK. Semi rural, village, town and city to be fair. I am at present quite happy and content living on the very outer reaches of Adelaide. We live on the very edge of one of the most outer lying suburbs and have open fields and countryside within 100m of our door. I'd not have gone much further out from a city than this when we moved here. I would ideally have liked to have been a few KM's further out in a small town that is within 10-15 minutes drive of shops, GP, schools etc and 40 or so from the CBD. However, nothing around at the time we were looking and fell in love with the house we bought and are very happy in. 

I can't say we've really experienced any real issues with living here. A few work niggles starting off, the usual day to day stuff that can go wrong anywhere (gas, needing a plumber, tree down in a storm and so on) but no different to the issues we faced in the UK. In fact, the tree down and being flooded plus on occasion snowed in (out on Exmoor in winter) were probably worse there than here IYKWIM. 

Are there other parts of Aus that appeal that you are interested in? In terms of large town near to a city or a city itself, even if somewhere in suburbia? What does you son think about it all? Or are you really feeling a pull back to the UK? I'd go with what you feel is best for you as a family and hopefully you'll all be on board and ready to make a go of it. 


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Thank you for all comments. All these thoughts have gone through our minds. Does anyone have any experiences with pitfalls of returning toUK?  Think we will see it through to end of high school then regroup for options taking our time to plan. With any luck the tide will change hubby will get a job he deserves out of the military and we can enjoy making memories. I have 2 daughters in uk aged 23 they didnt like it here so went back. It was always a risk that would happen but I have faith we have brought them up to be independant and they seem happy without us. Thank god for grandparents..

I appreciate every one sharing their advice and experiences. Thx

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6 hours ago, Merlin406 said:

Thank you for all comments. All these thoughts have gone through our minds. Does anyone have any experiences with pitfalls of returning toUK?  Think we will see it through to end of high school then regroup for options taking our time to plan. With any luck the tide will change hubby will get a job he deserves out of the military and we can enjoy making memories. I have 2 daughters in uk aged 23 they didnt like it here so went back. It was always a risk that would happen but I have faith we have brought them up to be independant and they seem happy without us. Thank god for grandparents..

I appreciate every one sharing their advice and experiences. Thx

Returning at the end of HS - international student fees, not just "no grants". Also, unless he does IB, Aus yr 12 results don't travel too well back to UK and may require a Foundation Year to get into a decent university (making it 4 years of international fees not 3). 

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