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Retirement Villages- security or rip off?


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Would you ever contemplate living in a retirement village?  Has the recent bad publicity about them put you off?  Personally it wouldn't be my idea of a good place to live but I have friends who are in them and seem to like them.  Conversely a couple of people would sell their souls to get out of their villages but they cannot afford to leave. I think most of them are a big rip off preying on insecurity.

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The programme was horrendous.. I know its wrong to tar every establishment with the wrong brush, but nursing homes/ retirement homes  " in general" would be our worst nightmare.  I personally think its unhealthy having all "aged " massed together in an establishment and  we prefer the Dutch system http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/dutch-retirement-home-lets-students-live-rent-free/6351450

We often visit a mature swimming acquaintance  locally  in one of the Masonic villages for  a coffee  and personally they leave me cold.... if you think a forum can be heated at times, you have seen nothing when the 80's/90's age bracket have a go at each other!

I think a damned good lawyer would have to go through all the t & c's before signing your life over to the many unscrupulous owners of some of these so called care homes... Dignitas on occasions if chronic/terminal would be one of my preferred choices.

I will add that thousands of Carers are damned saints working exceptionally hard for little financial reward but its the owners that I am wary of!

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My Dad was actually happy in one but he emigrated at age 80 and had no friends here- it was a quick way to meet people and stopped him being lonely. They really stung him for cash though and when he died and we sold up they took about $100,000 +off us for nothing.  Horrible thieves.

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