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The real truth about spiders please!


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We live near Brisbane and moved from UK two years ago.  When we first moved in to our house in October 2015 we had 3 huntsman spiders in the first 3 months - all downstairs.  They are huge and incredibly fast moving.  I just couldn't catch them because they are so fast so shepherded them out of the door by tapping walls and walking after them.  They are clearly keen to avoid people.

Haven't seen one since though.  I suspect that the pest control was done poorly.  We changed to another pest controller and have house sprayed annually.  We also have screens throughout.  We live semi-rural.  Tbh I rarely think about spiders any more though my one pet hate is walking through spider webs.  Spiders here cast webs a long way - even right across our drive!  When taking the bins out first thing in the morning once a week I put my hand out in front of my face as the blighters love casting their web down the side of the house at night.  These spiders are not harmful but some can be quite large and ugly blighters.

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I have to say I find it amusing how some of you never see any spiders including red backs despite living here for years. Must be city dwelling :)

I can say that this year alone in Albany WA I've seen a couple of dozen red backs and a few wolf spiders whilst doing the garden. When at work in Wagin (country WA) I couldn't even begin to list how many red backs I've seen. See a few huntsmen a year and white tail spiders too.

So they are there. But I know when I first came over I was paranoid about spiders and would check the corners of rooms etc when I went in them. Now I don't even worry, infact the Red Back siting on the garage roll door I've just left there to happily while away her life until she moves... :ph34r:

Not to mention the Christmas spiders and golden orb spiders I've seen too...

Surprisingly I've not been bit and I don't know anyone who has been bit in the past few years that I've been here.


And like the above, I'll take the spiders over the stink bugs!

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We’ve been here 7 years and I’ve never seen a red back, a funnel web or even a huntsman believe it or not (and we’re in a reasonably rural area).

We get our house sprayed annually and anything that does breach the barrier doesn’t live for much longer. By the time we spot them they’re usually doing the dance of death on the tiles.

For us, ants and mosquitoes are the biggest PITA, but with a bit of deet spray the mossies keep their distance, and at least you can sit alfresco in summer and not worry about 7 wasps swimming in your drink or buzzing around your face!

The wasps here look horrific, they’re big and black with long floaty legs and a massive sting but honestly much more passive than their English cousin. They just sort of mull around and fly away.

Going out bush yes your gonna see some mommas of the insect world but for the vast majority of people in the suburbs it’s really not a problem.


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