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What do you wish you'd done before you left?


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I was just thinking about stuff we'd like to do in Melbourne (and Australia in general) before we leave next year.  We've had a good run at stuff over the last 12 years and have a few things already on the list, but I was interested what others thought, and if anyone regrets not doing something before leaving.

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We are in a similar situation and have been here for 12 years. Planning to go back within the next 18 months. Would be sooner but the situation is complicated....

Our wish list is to sail the Whitsunday's, maybe do a the Ghan and the top end..

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9 minutes ago, MelT said:

May i ask why?

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No real reason, just curious.  There's only so much you can cram in (time and money are inhibitors) so we'll obviously have to miss things out.

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Quality and comfort against price. Folk complain about the long haul flights and cooped up in a cabin (I actually enjoy those flights) but two days or more on that would be depressing to me, must admit the Ghan was on my wish list and was really forward to the advance screening, but  both the wife and I were disappointed, anyway crossed off the list as have being on the Ghan!

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Most of my bucket list was too expensive, Margaret River, indian Pacific but the one thing you must do is the Barrier Reef if you haven't already. Plan stuff well before you go as the last couple of months will be filled with the move and disposing of stuff. Eat as much Asian food as humanly possible the only way to get a good Thai meal here is to cook it yourself.

In theory having a week after you pack up is a nice idea but in practice I found it too much of a hassle to travel when I was carrying as much luggage as the airline allowed and all my valuables and original personal documents. Birth cert, marriage cert, educational certs the whole lot. Not something you want to mislay.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still in the process of leavinbg, but i really regret not actually going interstate. 

I've been working and living in perht, and dont think i saw the 'real' australia in my 6 years, as ive always been over this side. never had enough time or money to travel interstate, and I really wish id seen the other side of the country before i leave. 

On the flip side, its also a reason for me to return at some point... i think ill be back again... still so much to do and see... 

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