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We are planning to move to Melbourne on 189 visas around the start of October this year from the Falkland Islands. Despite reading the millions of education websites could people clarify the age for school/kindy etc please? I get confused as my son has just turned 5 last week so i think he's supposed to start school (is this prep or year 1?) at the end of January....he's currently due to finish his school reception year (we follow the UK system) in august. Trying to figure out if I'm supposed to get him into kindy or just wait until the Aussie school year starts and have him in regular childcare until then while i work.


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It can be particularly confusing because education is administered by the various states and their procedures,  including starting ages,  can differ.  However, these two pages on Victorian primary schools and kindergartens may clarify your situation:



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12 hours ago, maverick79 said:

We are planning to move to Melbourne on 189 visas around the start of October this year from the Falkland Islands. Despite reading the millions of education websites could people clarify the age for school/kindy etc please? I get confused as my son has just turned 5 last week so i think he's supposed to start school (is this prep or year 1?) at the end of January....he's currently due to finish his school reception year (we follow the UK system) in august. Trying to figure out if I'm supposed to get him into kindy or just wait until the Aussie school year starts and have him in regular childcare until then while i work.


Wait until January then he can start full time school. Some sort of child care until then. You might want to talk to the school he will be attending though as many of them have familiarisation visits for new students during term 4 and it might be nice for him to meet other kids who will be starting school with him.  Cut off for Victoria is 30 April.


Edited by Quoll
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There's not much point in starting that late in the year, I would wait for the new year first term at the end of January and do your research when you get here as to which school you choose. I think he would normally start in prep at that age rather than kinder but some mums do hold them back for one reason or another. If he starts in prep in Jan it will be with a whole lot of new kids so it might be good for him socially rather than starting right at the end of the school year when everyone has their friendship groups. Any idea where in Melbourne you will be living?

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I have an opposing view to the others.   I think you should try and get sorted with schooling straight away so that he (and you) can try and build some friendships before the long school holidays.  Arriving in early October would still mean you would have at least half a term.  I'm in the getting in a routine as early as possible camp.  We arrived on a Thursday and my daughter started school the following Monday.  Just my two cents.  



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5 hours ago, northernbird said:

I have an opposing view to the others.   I think you should try and get sorted with schooling straight away so that he (and you) can try and build some friendships before the long school holidays.  Arriving in early October would still mean you would have at least half a term.  I'm in the getting in a routine as early as possible camp.  We arrived on a Thursday and my daughter started school the following Monday.  Just my two cents.  



He's not eligible for school this year, he's only just turned 5 (cut off for Vic is 30 April). Getting a kindy place in October isn't really a viable prospect but long day child care would be an option.

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