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Partner visa question

Judge Dredd

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Hey guys, quick question. My partner and I have submitted our expression of interest (I'm added on as her partner) and she's just been offered a job in England (we are currently living in Scotland).

If she takes it it will mean moving down south while I stay in Scotland for my work.

Is this something that will effect our visa applciation? Do we need to update it that we are not cohabiting due to professional/job related circumstances?

Thanks for your time.

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Agree with the above.

Show you are both keeping the family home IYKWIM but be able to show the bills or whatever it is for her rental accommodation in England. And then ensure you have proof of keeping in touch, train tickets or plane tickets for whichever one of you is visiting. Also you'll be keeping you shared bills etc I would imagine. And she won't be changing her address permanently anywhere official I would not expect. Also cover why you are apart in your supporting statements. And include that you still see each other on weekends etc when she returns home or whatever it is. Those sort of things. If she suddenly were to move out, change address and be taken of the mortgage or rental agreement you share and have all her mail sent to her England address it could be somewhat harder to explain away :) 

My husband used to work away from home Mon-Fri and rented a room in a friends house during the week but the home we shared together was what was considered the 'family home' and all his mail, bills etc went there. 

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Hi again, thanks for the replies.

My partner and I don't own any property together, however I'm looking to transfer down near her in the next 4-5 months.

I'm currently a serving Police Officer in Scotland and Lancashire Police, which is a commutable distance from Liverpool where my partner will be working are accepting transferees, and they 've advised me it usually takes about 3 months from submitting the application to getting the transfer, so hopefully I'll be down there fro October/November.

In the meantime, I will be staying in the flat we rent together and keeping her on the lease and council tax.

I will be going down to see her by train at leats once every month and will be keeping both the printouts of the tickets as well as the receipts and be taking lots of pictures etc.

Is there anything else anyone would advise?

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On 2017-5-24 at 05:11, Judge Dredd said:

Hey guys, quick question. My partner and I have submitted our expression of interest (I'm added on as her partner) and she's just been offered a job in England (we are currently living in Scotland).

If she takes it it will mean moving down south while I stay in Scotland for my work.

Is this something that will effect our visa applciation? Do we need to update it that we are not cohabiting due to professional/job related circumstances?

Thanks for your time.

Are you actually talking about a Partner Visa (as in the title) or a PR Skills visa with you as a dependent partner?

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