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HELP Not strictly pomsinoz related either


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I am starting to stress more and more about moving to OZ, my job is getting worse, we havent even been to OZ to visit yet, still got another 8 months to go. What if I dont like it? All that money wasted, I know its still a holiday but all this research could be for nothing.


To top all this off, my 7 year old son is going into hospital tomorrow to have a tooth out!!! Feeling very stressed, and really want to have an Indian Takeaway (have to eat when stressed). Someone please talk me out of getting a takeaway quick!!!:arghh:

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Guest stockies

You dont need an Indian, Chill have a glass of wine go into your bedroom lock the door ( bet ya think im gonna say something naughty ) !! and SCRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMMMM !!!!


Trust me you will feel loads better, make sure you down the glass of wine in one !!!!!!!!!


Claire. XX

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Nah, Mum, down the bottle in one instead!!! :biglaugh::biglaugh:


As our wise friend Ferris would say, " 'The question isn't "What are we going to do?' The question is 'What aren't we going to do?' " We all have moments where the Oz idea seems crazy, but tomorrow will seem better.


Hope your little one's tooth op goes well. I'm sure a visit from the tooth fairy will cheer him up later on!


Best wishes



Mrs Tyke xx

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I am starting to stress more and more about moving to OZ, my job is getting worse, we havent even been to OZ to visit yet, still got another 8 months to go. What if I dont like it? All that money wasted, I know its still a holiday but all this research could be for nothing.


To top all this off, my 7 year old son is going into hospital tomorrow to have a tooth out!!! Feeling very stressed, and really want to have an Indian Takeaway (have to eat when stressed). Someone please talk me out of getting a takeaway quick!!!:arghh:


How can your time be waisted????? Look at all your new fabulous friends!!!! go the curry nothing like a good curry!!! and wine plenty of wine (this week they say its good for you so is chocolate so stock up). Hope your sons ok


all the best



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How can your time be waisted????? Look at all your new fabulous friends!!!! go the curry nothing like a good curry!!! and wine plenty of wine (this week they say its good for you so is chocolate so stock up). Hope your sons ok


all the best




What a nice thing to say, I have made some new friends on here I think. Thankyou.


Also just wanted someone to tell me ok to have the curry, so thanks for that too xx

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Guest cantwait



If the curry is what you fancy - have a BIG one!!!! A little of what you fancy does you good - a lot of what you fancy makes you happy!!


Hope the tooth op goes well.




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