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Sell our house or rent it out....??

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Hi everyone 

this is my first post, me and the hubby are visiting oz in September to view a few neighbourhoods etc.

we have always dreamed of living down under and now feel we are ready to make the jump, we are in the process of applying  for visas now 

but the question is, do you sell our house take the equity out and buy in oz or rent out home out and rent in oz until we are settled?

hubby also thinks it's a good idea to leave the dog at home whilst we get settled but I can't even think about doing that!! I feel I won't settle without him there??

hubby wants to rent our place out for 6 months and then if we get settled in oz come back after 6 months sell up and then take the dog back to oz with us

i just feel if we do this we are airways going to have in the back of our heads that we are going back to the uk after 6 months and won't put so much effort into settling fir good ??

hubby thinks it's playing safe by keeping our house but it also doesn't leave us much money to take with us

what are people's thoughts and experiences ....?

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to the forum. It is a hard one. When we came out we decided to sell up and make the move so that we didn't have a quick easy get out and we would have to work at it. Everything worked out fine for us and we love it here although we have lived in a fair few areas and states. 

With today's market I would maybe say don't sell the house yet, BUT, I would also say try and rent it out for 12 months that way if you find it hard going in the first few months you aren't going to jump on the next flight home. 

'Also that 12 months will give you time to settle in an area and maybe find a house that you love. If things work out for you sooner then maybe one of you can go back to sell up whilst the other continues working etc.

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Each to their own but if I did it again I would sell though I did try last time but time frame was short and no joy. Unfortunately when you rent out it's difficult to get it ready to sell it on when you are the other side of the world. Part of the reason I returned to the UK was because I had options which made it easier. I had my house which I rented out and my old job having took a career break. I truly believe I would still be in Australia now if I didn't have those get out clauses and wish I had cut ties with UK altogether.

My experience of renting out was a bad one. My rent payments were late luckily I had enough money in UK account to cover mortgage.I never used an agent mainly due to the cost and sorted tenancy agreement and everything else you have to do to rent out myself. When I came back to UK I never went back to my house I rented another house.Didnt want to give notice to my tenant because she had children and it was close to Xmas. She saw the writing on the wall and eventually left anyway. I rented house to someone I knew big mistake. You should have seen the state the house was left in.Damage to floors rubbish and their belongings left behind.I made 3 car runs to the local refuge tip.Things that cost a lot of money were either damaged or not maintained.All this was done in a year and I had no looks on the house. I had to redecorate throughout and luckily I managed to sell the house and buy another in a short space of time.Ironic really when I had no joy prior to leaving the UK.

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3 hours ago, Laura Daniel said:

Hi everyone 

this is my first post, me and the hubby are visiting oz in September to view a few neighbourhoods etc.

we have always dreamed of living down under and now feel we are ready to make the jump, we are in the process of applying  for visas now 

but the question is, do you sell our house take the equity out and buy in oz or rent out home out and rent in oz until we are settled?

hubby also thinks it's a good idea to leave the dog at home whilst we get settled but I can't even think about doing that!! I feel I won't settle without him there??

hubby wants to rent our place out for 6 months and then if we get settled in oz come back after 6 months sell up and then take the dog back to oz with us

i just feel if we do this we are airways going to have in the back of our heads that we are going back to the uk after 6 months and won't put so much effort into settling fir good ??

hubby thinks it's playing safe by keeping our house but it also doesn't leave us much money to take with us

what are people's thoughts and experiences ....?

For us it was important to fully commit to the migration, so we sold up prior to leaving.  

It was very scary, but we have no worries left in the UK if that makes sense?  If you are keen to make Australia your home then bring your dog and don't go back in the first 6 months as that certainly won't help you settle - it took us two months to get our rental sorted after staying in temporary accommodation.

It does need to be caveated that for us we felt this was a low risk move as all of our siblings were here and parents are frequent visitors which gave us the confidence to go all in.

Good luck!

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Thanks for everyone's reply, going to sit down and think it all through 

I am swaying towards renting the house for a year until we settle then sell up, as if we did not settle we would literally be coming back to the uk with nothing

just need to convince the hubby the dog is coming not matter what ?

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I think the difficulty is knowing the right timeframe.

Whether you will know fully after 12 months or 2 years is not really clear.

Many may think after 12 months they are happy and then change their mind.

If you want to be really carefully I would say 2 or 3 years as a minimum and then sell if you are convinced.

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4 hours ago, Parley said:

I think the difficulty is knowing the right timeframe.

Whether you will know fully after 12 months or 2 years is not really clear.

Many may think after 12 months they are happy and then change their mind.

If you want to be really carefully I would say 2 or 3 years as a minimum and then sell if you are convinced.

Agree with this - if you want an to leave the house as an insurance policy you may need to let it out for several years.  We have been here almost 9 months now and still feeling very transitory.  We do enjoy it, but it will be longer than 12 months before we are fully settled I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've been here almost 2 years and rent our U.K. house out. We're really enjoying it here and considered selling when our first tenants gave notice a couple of months ago but decided to stick with our original plan of keeping it until we get citizenship at the 4 year mark.

Luckily we've secured new tenants who hopefully move in next week (electrician dependant!) after only a couple of weeks it being empty so we're happy we've decided to keep it for a bit longer.
It is stressful keeping it though and we managed the let ourselves for our last tenants but this time have engaged an agent to do it all. So I'd encourage you to use an agent.

We brought the dog with us when we came over though as with not selling up couldn't justify the cost of travelling back and to.

We settled pretty quickly even with keeping our place, but that is because we have no intention to go back even for a visit for at least another year or so (emergencies excepted)

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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