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Thoughts on this?


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Is it art ? Is it OK? Does it provoke thought about why is it OK to kill for food but maybe not for art/entertainment?

I can't fathom why people would want to volunteer to be covered in blood. Or who wants to look at it.

But then in another piece of so called art people were actually going to pay to be crucified so there's no accounting for taste and nowt as queer as folk.

The (poor) cow's fate was already sealed....it was always going to be slaughtered. I don't like it. It's not art to me. But then I don't eat meat either. Is it hypocritical for meat eaters to object to this bloody mess?

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Hermann Nitsch just wants his 15 minutes of fame.

He is one of those so called controversial artists.  Take Damien Hirst for example.  He's made millions from his art work and little old philistine that I am wouldn't give you 5 cents for any of his stuff.

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