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Temp visa mortgage?


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Hi all, I need some advice please.

I'm days away from lodging my defacto visa application and I'm optimistic that all will go according to plan and I'll have a 2 year temporary residency before getting permanent residency.

I would like to know if I would be availbale for a home loan as a temporary resident? And if so, could my partner and I have a joint home loan? And what restrictions are there likely to be.





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As you would be on a 309 visa there are no restrictions to you & your Australian (I'm guessing? - as they could be a New Zealander) partner owning property. Restrictions do exist regarding non-Australians and property, however they do not exist for those who are married or de facto with an Australian. FIRB has the info (though I couldn't get onto their website just now).


If you two can meet lending requirements you should be able to get a mortgage.

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Guest KirstyM

You'll be right. I've just been approved for a mortgage on a defacto visa as the spouse of an NZ citizen.


My visa is a 5 year permanently renewable one, and the bank didn't even blink!

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when i opened up a bank account with CommonWealth Bank I was advised that i would be able to purchase a property in australia as i come across on a prospect marriage visa as long as you got a job and all they are willing to help us poms out as we are so good lol

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