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Child 101 visa


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Hello everyone,


i just wondered if anyone had any recent child 101 visa applications submitted/granted via the London office??


We sent the forms to arrive 4th March, the charge has been made against our card and I'm now anticipating an email but not sure what might be a reasonable expectation?


Any clues gratefully received ?

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I can't help with your issue but I just wanted to add that I'm interested in any replies!

We may be applying for RRV's in the near future and if granted we're likely to receive 1 year visa's or even 3 months (that's doubtful I'd imagine).  However we now have 2 children since coming back from Oz and they don't have Visa's so if our RRV's are granted I believe we would need to apply for 2 separate child visa's for them (they are aged 4 years old and 6 months old).

I have seen the link for current processing times and it shows child visas as 9 months to 15 months, is that for applying elsewhere though as I read something about if you submit them to London they are usually dealt with quite quickly?  There must be other people who have received 1 year RRV's but then need to apply for child visa's.  I can't imagine they all have to move to Oz prior to their child visa's being granted...

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Hello @cots, Please check your spam folder for any mail from the migration team. I filed my application in India and within couple of days I had received a mail which had gone into the junk/spam folder. I received another email from the department with a different email ID where they needed some clarifications which pointed me to the original email which was sent. So please check your spam folders to make sure you haven't missed them.

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Child visas lodged in the UK are quoted as taking approx. 12 months, although they can, and do, come through much quicker.  The initial email to acknowledge receipt of your application can take a few months; remember someone has to enter all the information onto the Government system since these applications are not yet available through the ImmiAccount process.

You can help your application by ensuring all the required documentation is included with the application and even completing medicals and the relevant police clearance certificates.

If you have a genuine reason for the visa to be granted sooner (i.e. a job that you must start on a particular date) you can provide this information to AHC; they are not unreasonable people.

Everyone's situation is different and seeking professional assistance is always advisable.

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Can somoene please clarify this for me.

If I apply for RRV's for myself and my wife and they are granted, do I need to apply for 2 separate full child visa's for our young children, or can I submit separate RRV's for my children (even though they've never held PR as they weren't born when we were there)?

I only ask that because the DIBP site for 155 visa's states you might be granted a visa if you: "have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are members of the family unit of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant."

So if I am granted a 155 visa, can my children then apply for one as they are members of my family unit?


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1 hour ago, brock79 said:

Can somoene please clarify this for me.

If I apply for RRV's for myself and my wife and they are granted, do I need to apply for 2 separate full child visa's for our young children, or can I submit separate RRV's for my children (even though they've never held PR as they weren't born when we were there)?

I only ask that because the DIBP site for 155 visa's states you might be granted a visa if you: "have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are members of the family unit of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant."

So if I am granted a 155 visa, can my children then apply for one as they are members of my family unit?


No your children can't apply for RRVs as they do not yet have PR.

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That's as I thought but then what is this referring to?

The DIBP site for 155 visa's states you might be granted a visa if you: "have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are members of the family unit of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant."

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