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UK newly graduated wanting to move down under :)


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hey guys


I'm close to finishing up my degree in computer science in the united kingdom I have wanted to move to Australia ever since I visited family friends back in 2012 I ended up staying 3 months I've been looking at the visa's but to move on a work visa I will need work experience after graduating I have prior experience in software development and I'm hoping to make the move permanent any advice or help would be greatly appreciated



many thanks

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You might be able to obtain the mandatory positive pre-migration skills assessment for skilled migrationby citing pre-qualifcation work experience. Check the ACS website.

If you have enough points, you do not need post qualification work experience to apply for a visa.

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Grads in Oz are struggling to find positions, your best bet find a job in the UK to gain some work experience at least a couple of years. You are young enough then to come over on a WHV and test the market for yourself.


Take a look at some of the recruitment sites in OZ, seek.com.au being one of the main ones to see what type of roles and skills being asked for.


The IT job market is changing rapidly at the moment, and what skills may be flavour of the month now, could be replaced very quickly next year.


Do you have an idea of what direction you are looking at in your career?

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the direction I want to pursue is a software developer I have experience in java and C++.

I have created apps for java and have good knowledge of SQL my biggiest fear about moving to Australia would be not being able to find employment once I arrived.

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the direction I want to pursue is a software developer I have experience in java and C++.

I have created apps for java and have good knowledge of SQL my biggiest fear about moving to Australia would be not being able to find employment once I arrived.


Your best bet, from my own experience, get a few years work experience in the UK then start looking to Oz. Possibility come out on a WHV and see if you can can get some one to sponsor you.


Pimp up your linkedIn profile, work on your githib profile contributing to projects as well as your own.


Without a few years experience, I suspect you would find it hard. Especially when they throw in the local experience required card!


Make sure you keep upto date with the current tech, docker, agile, scrum and so forth. Also check out the free accounts that Amazon and MS offer for AWS and Azure, not sure if that is the direction you want but every little bit helps.


The job market is pretty tough and competitive here at the moment especially for new grads. Look at the roles currently posted and get a feel for what they are they are looking for and upskill yourself over the next few years to accommodate.

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thank you for the response what your saying makes a lot of sense. I guess just jumping into moving acroos the world is not the best idea :)

hopefully i can be patient enough.


Welcome and true, jumping here with no work experience would more than likely find you returning home and hopefully you can :)


Take some time in the UK to beef up your skillset and experience, it will go a long way in the long run.


If you can find/land a grad role in a multi national, that may also be a way to get an international transfer :)

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In your case, assuming you're 30 or younger, the logical (only?) option would probably be a working holiday visa, staying with the family members you mentioned while you job hunt, and trying to get a job with a company who will subsequently sponsor you for a 457 (Temporary Work) visa.


I'd recommend getting in touch with an authorised migration agent (we used Go Matilda who were great) and have a free initial consultation with them to figure out your options.


Which ever way you do it, there's risk...good luck!

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thanks for the reply rickev that seems like a good plan I have family up in Brisbane where I could stay with the only problem is its out in the sticks in the upper coomera area would my British motorcycle licence be valid to use ?

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