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Balance Of Family Test - 2 Children


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My brother (only sibling) is a permanent resident. I am looking to obtain a residency visa in the coming years (possibly provisional). The only thing thats really keeping our parents in the UK is me & my young family (grandkids).


If I initially obtained a provisional residency visa, then presumably the balance of family test would wholly rely on my brothers permanent residency / impending citizenship? If so, with only 1/2 of their children permanent residents, would they be able to apply for a contributory parent visa, or would they need to wait for me to become a permanent resident say 4 years down the line?



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If your parents only have your brother and yourself (no other half-siblings or step-siblings about) then - assuming your brother is PR and 'settled' in Australia at the moment - then your parents can apply for a Parent visa now. They don't need to wait until you are there too.


The criteria for the Balance of Family is that 50% or more children live in Australia. And 50% of two children is one child ..



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If your brother is a permanent resident based on the fact that your parents have two children, then they meet the balance of family test. They could apply now and given that waiting times for the contributory parent visa (143) is getting longer and longer (approx 30mths) it is something to think about.

Also, there is to a shake up of parental visas in July this year but I don't know the details. All I have gathered is that there was a public consultation which ended in Oct 16 and more temporary visas will be added and there will probably be a increase in the charge for con tributary parent visas. You can find the report on the gov website.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for this guys. My folks have fired the starting gun & going to see an emigration agent. They mentioned about the changes coming in July. Hopefully with Brexit it will become easier too. Hopefully there will be an argument for the uk to enter into a migration agreement similar to the one New Zealand has...

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Thanks for this guys. My folks have fired the starting gun & going to see an emigration agent. They mentioned about the changes coming in July. Hopefully with Brexit it will become easier too. Hopefully there will be an argument for the uk to enter into a migration agreement similar to the one New Zealand has...


Is there a special arrangement for UK citizens to New Zealand

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No, but Australia & New Zealand have the Trans-Tasman Agreement - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Tasman_Travel_Arrangement


This lets citizens of the two countries travel freely, like EU members can around EU countries.


Not quite as simple as that

Although Kiwis can move to Australia, if they only move on the basis of NZ citizenship then they are only ever going to be temporary residents in Australia. To get PR they have to qualify like everyone else. Being just a temp resident can raise loads of issues in many areas of life.


Brexit has nothing to do with oz, and no way will Australia ever let UK citizens move there just cos they feel like it, oz loves its immigration controls too much for that.

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Not quite as simple as that

Although Kiwis can move to Australia, if they only move on the basis of NZ citizenship then they are only ever going to be temporary residents in Australia. To get PR they have to qualify like everyone else. Being just a temp resident can raise loads of issues in many areas of life.


Brexit has nothing to do with oz, and no way will Australia ever let UK citizens move there just cos they feel like it, oz loves its immigration controls too much for that.


Can see why. Ozzy wages are a testament to controls vs. British wage depression with mass immigration. The ability for brits to have a similar system with Oz as NZ would probably be a good thing for trade (as it is with NZ), without the burden of state support that Britain has encountered with European Integration.


Guess we'll have to see what comes out of the trade talks. A few years off yet.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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They are probably looking at a subclass 143 Contributory Parent visa pathway - budgeted total cost of $110k.


Feel able to send a PM or an email to me (click on my name to the left of this post) or complete the enquiry form at http://www.gm-parent-visas.com/parent-visas/contributory-parent-subclass-143/ if you or they would like to have a no obligation discussion about visa strategy.


Best regards.

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