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some advice please...


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Hi all

A little help would be greatly appreciated, I want to start the process of moving to Australia and have no idea where to begin.

I'm 32 and my partner will be 36 in April (we have no kids and not engaged).

We both have degrees and I am a registered midwife in the UK so I think I can apply for the skilled workers visa subclass 189...

I also have my twin sister in Sydney who is an Australian citizen having been there ten years.

I have no idea how to start the process, if I need an agent, where to do skilled tests or english tests...what visa my partner needs (he is self employed web designer) or how long the process will take....would like to move at the end of this year I dont know if that is reasonable?

Any help on websites, where to do from here, would be very helpful!!

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Hi @Anniewoo1951 & welcome :-)


Although many do use agents there are many who also undertake this themselves. Have you read through this website? https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/189-


I've seen a few midwives on this forum who I'm sure will be along to offer advice.


There's a search button up the top right hand side of this page, also very valuable for following/reading others experiences.


If you decide to do this yourself you would open an account here https://online.immi.gov.au/lusc/register


You may feel more comfortable speaking to an agent, bear in mind this may be costly.

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Hi. Not sure if you've stated what your partner's profession is, but you both don't have to get separate visas. You can be the main applicant, with him being your "dependent".


The first thing you need to do is to get your midwifery qualification and experience accredited. Search for ANMAC, and they'll have a pathway to do so. Once this is done, then start to think about IELTS(PTE), which are different types of language tests. Now you don't have to take those tests, but doing so will give you additional points, which means you are more likely to get invited for a 189 sooner.

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