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Quick Resume question - applying from overseas


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Hey all. I've read various conflicting opinions online and wanted to ask a couple specific questions about applying for work from overseas... just to see your experiences...


I've got my 189 visa granted :) and i'm starting my job search in Brisbane. I'm in the UK at the moment and was hoping to at least line up some skype/phone interviews before heading over. I'm a software engineer/team lead btw.


1) Given i'm still in the UK I have no Australian address to put on my CV... is this going to work against me?

2) I've read conflicting opinions about mentioning something like "Visa status: Permanent Residency Granted" on the Resume and/or covering letter... but i think it makes sense?


My concern is trying to avoid any risk of my Resume getting binned straight away.



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An address on a CV is really not needed - if you are applying via agencies they remove it anyway before forwarding to their client. If you really feel the need then have a 'Contact details' section at the bottom - most people never read to the end of a CV anyway!


Get yourself a generic or Australian email address and an Australian mobile phone number (this is particularly important as many companies block calling overseas numbers and the recruiting manager may end up putting you in the 'too hard' box)


I personally would state your visa status - something like 'full working rights' - as someone who recruited in Australia I got lots of applicants who didn't have and although I did sponsor a few the process was quite different and someone without a visa again went into the 'too hard' box - and rightly do if there were local applicants with the skills.

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If there is a selection criteria for the position, make sure you address it - don't know what it's like for other occupations but not being able to meet the selection criteria (or extract it from the CV) means they're not shortlisted for interview.

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If there is a selection criteria for the position, make sure you address it - don't know what it's like for other occupations but not being able to meet the selection criteria (or extract it from the CV) means they're not shortlisted for interview.


Not so relevant for a software engineer unless it is for a public sector organisation, in which case you can have none of the technical skills you actually need for the job so long as you meet some woolly criteria defined by HR!


Obvious though same as in the UK if the role requires specific skills or experiences then you make sure your CV highlights those & if these are couched in the terms 'selection criteria' or 'personal specification' make sure you life the words from the advert and highlight your experience in these.


It's unlikely you would be asked to complete an application form/write a personal statement for an IT role (again public sector would be the exception) but this is an excellent book should you need to - http://writeawinningjobapplication.com.au/

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An address on a CV is really not needed - if you are applying via agencies they remove it anyway ... Get yourself a generic or Australian email address and an Australian mobile phone number


Thanks for the advice, much appreciated. Interesting, didn't know the address was taken out... so i guess that solves that issue. The Oz mobile number... wouldn't that kinda appear like I was pretending to be in the country? And if I got a call waking me in the night... that would be a bit awkward? :) Maybe a non-issue as if they actually read my CV they'd see I was currently employed in the UK anyways. So i take it you can buy an Oz number that redirects to a UK number then? I googled it but the sites I found looked a bit dodgy.

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When i did it, i put down as full working rights PR visa.


More importantly, i stated when i was arriving in country in the covering letter along with a happy to phone / skype at a time suited to them. Without this a lot of recruiters will think you are just testing the waters, but if you can state specifc dates you will be in country for face to face it goes a long way in your favour.

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Another couple of tips, pimp up your linkedin profile and include the URL on your CV and if you have a github and/or similar account include that so hiring people can see what projects or code you have been working on.

Linkedin I notice now has a new feature to let recruiters know you are looking for work. Maybe enable that and see how it works for you.


Depending on your skillset, if very in demand, some recruiters will be more open to contacting you even though you are based in the UK. Others will probably not even consider you, would be similar in the UK being based in Scotland applying for jobs in London. They all want you be available for an interview immediately but in reality it could take weeks before it gets organised. The IT job market in Brisbane is not the greatest at the moment, but as your a software dev which is pretty in demand in Melbourne and Sydney, it may be very different. Have you checked out seek, glassdoor to see what jobs are being posted for the type of roles you could apply for?


Format wise of your CV is pretty much the same as you would have for the UK.


Regarding the Oz phone number, I do know lots of people in India get prepaid sim cards so they appear to be based in Australia. Time zone is a little better for them though.

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Another couple of tips, pimp up your linkedin profile and include the URL on your CV and if you have a github and/or similar account include that so hiring people can see what projects or code you have been working on.

Linkedin I notice now has a new feature to let recruiters know you are looking for work. Maybe enable that and see how it works for you.


Great advice thanks! I've enabled that feature on LinkedIn and I've also checked out Glassdoor... some really great info there about the companies as well as jobs. Cheers.

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