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This is the hardest part! 2 months until we go ....


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Struggling with this part of the move. We are leaving for Melbourne in 8 weeks time, that's my Husband and I with our two kids aged 10 & 8. My Husband is Australian, we go back every year so know Melbourne very well.


I'm finding this part of the journey really tough, feels like I'm limbo - its like the never ending goodbyes or last time for everything. Everyone around is making plans and i feel a little stuck. I know the emotional farewells are looming ahead with my family and i guess i just wish this part was over.


Can anyone relate to this situation? If you've been through this and have any positives to share, please feel free to message me! I have a very close family here so its no doubt going to be the hardest thing I've done.


Thanks everyone

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I think it gets to this point and you just want to get on with it but at the same time don't want to say goodbyes. It's hard to say enjoy the last few weeks you have but just try. The fact is, you will be focused on 'the new life' and it will seem like an age. Just try and fit everyone in and make plans for holidays and visits. I have done this too many times and it gets easier each time. Remember, it's not forever, it's not for everyone and everyone is different. Try not to feel guilty people can and will visit and Skype is fabulous.

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Say you're goodbyes but don't forget all the new hello's you'll be having too.


Nothing like having a date in the diary that you can be 'back home' for too?


A wedding / trip / surprise visit to them / or other 18 months down the line?? Just saying ;)



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Having been through the process twice it's not like "Stars in their eyes" where you walk through the mist into a new world that is so much better than the one you left. On both occasions we both thought, what have we done? We were both in an emotional shock, and believe me you have to be strong to get through it. Then once you've settled in for a few weeks, months, years, decades in some cases, you still have the nagging feeling that things are not right. For us, that feeling never went away, and that is why we are now back in England with our loved ones. You will never overcome family ties.

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Bless you @jaimecol1 I am an Australian national who moved to the UK in 2001 when I was 4 months pregnant. I remember some Aussie friends withdrawing from me in our last month before leaving, because they said it was too hard to say goodbye. Interestingly, those friends who held my hand til the end have stayed in touch to this day, so in some respects it sorts the wheat from the chaff. I feel for you; someone once told me 'the manner in which you leave a place determines the way you are received in the next'. Food for thought. For a while, you are an outsider and while that's not comfortable, it allows you to sit back and observe. Maybe a reflective hobby such as journalling or drawing or photography will help you transition. Also using visualisation for what's ahead can help with the transition. Try and focus on why you made the decision to relocate to give yourself focus and strength. Trick yourself into playing that you are on a 2 week holiday in the UK before going to Oz and try and enjoy every day. Smile, laugh, hug, love- this is how you want those you're leaving behind to remember you. Say goodbye or in Austin 'Seeyalaydah' to moments, smells - as well as people. Embrace the moment and practise being in the present. I wish you well as you embark on your journey x

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