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Moving back pregnant


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Hello all,

My husband (british) and I (german) have lived in australia for the last 8 years and are about to move back to the UK next year. Does anyone know if I would be pregnant flying over if it would be a problem with the healthcare system in england to go to hospital and deliver my baby although I havent worked there?

Would I still be able to get the same care?



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I know its not the most credible source ever.... but I've just seen this and thought I'd put it your way anyway just in case you haven't seen it.





This has happened in some hospitals for years.


When my wife went for her scan we were sent off into a little room and had to provide a copy of her passport and visa, and proof of how long she had lived in the U.K. before they would progress.


Then 6 months later she gave birth - hours after the birth they came around again to get proof of her right to free treatment.


2 weeks later back in the same hospital as my daughter had a bloody infection - and again the same questions.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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