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Contributory Parent Visa 143

Heather Farrow

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Does anyone know if I can you apply for this using Immiaccount, I have registered but it is not showing up. Can I only fill in a paper Form 47PA and send it off to Perth.



Hi Heather.


Yes, this is a paper based application.


Don't forget form 40 is also required.


And a form 956 if you are appointing an agent ... :wink:


Best regards.

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Hi there,

Thankyou all for that information. Just beginning the process of applying now to join my daughter in Brisbane. She came back here six weeks ago to get married, and I realised I needed to make a decision what to do as I'm getting older every year (59) and you dont know whats round the corner. A bit scary but exciting times ahead as I will be doing all this on my own.

Will probably have more to ask along the way but think I will be able to manage the forms etc without the extra cost of any help.

I wont forget form 40, already got that sorted so all good there.

Thanks again


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Hi there,

Thankyou all for that information. Just beginning the process of applying now to join my daughter in Brisbane. She came back here six weeks ago to get married, and I realised I needed to make a decision what to do as I'm getting older every year (59) and you dont know whats round the corner. A bit scary but exciting times ahead as I will be doing all this on my own.

Will probably have more to ask along the way but think I will be able to manage the forms etc without the extra cost of any help.

I wont forget form 40, already got that sorted so all good there.

Thanks again




Hi Heather.


You are happy your daughter is "settled" in Australia (as defined)?


Best regards.

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Hi there,

Yes I realised that after I made my reply, but Thankyou for that. She's been there 10 yrs, been a permanent resident 4 and citizen for a year so all good there. It's just getting my head around all the forms etc you have to fill in and of course the cost and what I will be able to buy in the suburbs of Brisbane. Should get something small though as its my own house here in England.


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Does anyone know if I can you apply for this using Immiaccount, I have registered but it is not showing up. Can I only fill in a paper Form 47PA and send it off to Perth.

Hi Heather,

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question as I am just starting the process myself to go to Sydney. I hope you don't mind me asking though - are you doing this just by yourself, or are you using a registered emigration expert/company?

Good luck with your application!


Sue Thorpe

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Hi Heather,

I'm undecided yet whether to apply for the 143 or 173. I initially thought the 173 would be the quickest way to get there and then I would apply for the 143 once there. I'm keen to get to Sydney asap, as I have a year old grandson who is growing up fast! Like you I have a daughter who has lived in Oz for 12 years, and my other daughter moved to Sydney this April. I have some personal stuff to sort out in the UK before I can actually apply for a visa but as soon as that is done I want to get over there as quickly as I can. What made you go for the 143?

Best wishes, and keep me posted on your progress,


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Hi Sue,

like you say your grand children grow up so quickly, and with my daughter just getting married I'm hoping I will be a Grandma soon too. The reason I'm going for the 143 is it gets it done and you don't have to worry about applying again, and I will have money from my house to pay for a visa. My Mum who is 88 is still here in England so I wanted to spend the next few years as well with her. I will be going to see my daughter next October for my big 60 birthday and also to look at what I can buy for my money over there. Such a lot to think about though isn't there. Wish I could just be over there, miss my daughter very much even though I have also a son who lives down in London. Nice to talk to someone in similar situation


Edited by Heather Farrow
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Hi Sue,

No I'm not going to use an agent but going to try and do it myself, probably with a little bit of help from a friend who is a lawyer. The visa is already expensive so trying to save that money.

Are you applying for the Parent Contributory 143 visa, hope you are getting on ok with yours




If the lawyer has handled Australian visa applications before - great!


If not ... :wink:


Happy to have a freebie chat, if you are interested.


Best regards.

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Good morning Heather,

Thanks for sharing your plans, it's really helpful, and i agree, so nice to be in contact with someone starting out on the process. One reason why I originally discounted the 143 is that I read there was a waiting time of 20 years!! As I'm now 63, that's a little long for me to wait and like you I want to get to Australia as soon as I can. In the meantime I'm using a regular visitor's visa to go over 2-3 times a year.

Keep in touch,


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Hi Alan,

So helpful to have you as part of the conversation. I would be really grateful to have some clear guidance on which visa to apply for, as there does seem to be conflicting information out there. Some background information about myself:

I'm a 63 year old retired headteacher, currently going through a divorce to meet the balance of family criteria. I have one daughter who has been resident in Sydney for approx 12 years and has Australian citizenship. Her partner is Australian and they have a 1 year old son. My other daughter moved to Sydney in April this year to previously arranged employment, and the company has sponsored her. Once divorced, I will not need to count any stepchildren in the equation.

I am keen to move to Sydney as quickly as possible to be with my family and help with childcare for my grandson and any future grandchildren - can you advise which visa would work best for me please?

Kind regards,

Sue Thorpe

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Hi Alan,

So helpful to have you as part of the conversation. I would be really grateful to have some clear guidance on which visa to apply for, as there does seem to be conflicting information out there. Some background information about myself:

I'm a 63 year old retired headteacher, currently going through a divorce to meet the balance of family criteria. I have one daughter who has been resident in Sydney for approx 12 years and has Australian citizenship. Her partner is Australian and they have a 1 year old son. My other daughter moved to Sydney in April this year to previously arranged employment, and the company has sponsored her. Once divorced, I will not need to count any stepchildren in the equation.

I am keen to move to Sydney as quickly as possible to be with my family and help with childcare for my grandson and any future grandchildren - can you advise which visa would work best for me please?

Kind regards,

Sue Thorpe



Hi Sue.


Please feel able to send a PM to me (click on my name to the left of this post) with your email address, and ideally with your phone number too so we can have a no obligation chat about your situation and visa strategy.


Best regards.

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Hi Sue,

I think the waiting time for a Non Contributory Visa is 20 years, but by my understanding the 173 is a temporary one, then you have to apply after 2years for a permanent one The 143 Contributory one you can apply for, but you have to get someone to sponsor you by filling in form 40 it's called an AOS assurance of support. Both require quite a lot of money.Not sure how the temporary one would work though cause after 2 yrs you would be 65 when you can apply for an Aged Parent one.

Hope that helps


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Hi there,

Yes I realised that after I made my reply, but Thankyou for that. She's been there 10 yrs, been a permanent resident 4 and citizen for a year so all good there. It's just getting my head around all the forms etc you have to fill in and of course the cost and what I will be able to buy in the suburbs of Brisbane. Should get something small though as its my own house here in England.



Hi Heather:

do you only have one Child. Parent visa requires meeting the balance of family test. That is 50% of the children must be resident or citizen and living in Australia?


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