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Just found out I'm pregnant due to move Jan help please


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Hi I'm moving to gold Coast in January. I've just found out I'm pregnant , I will be able to fly still but my main question is, it's highly unlikely I will now be employed when I land as I will be 5 months pregnant. I won't be allowed to claim any matenity allowance from the UK I assume as I'll be in oz, but is there any help I can get until I have had baby and back in work in oz? I have an awful feeling that this is possibly the worst time financially to have fallen pregnant :-/ I have a pr visa . I can't delay the move for a few reasons; my son starts school in oz jan and fees all paid and his place at school has gone from jan in uk. I have paid for everything - flights accommodation car hire etc.... And house has sold!


if anyone knows anything i would really appreciate any advice x

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Can your partner look after the baby and you go back to work once the baby is born? That would only mean a four month gap from when you arrive and when the baby is born.


You will not be entitled to claim parenting payment/or parenting payment partnered as you will be new to the country - you have to wait two years to be eligible.

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Thanks for you help, I have actually lived in perth for some time too my or was granted 5 years ago now so I don't know if that counts towards the 2 years? Yes that's a good point it can take a while to get work. I am so happy but just dawned on me this was not in my financial planning !

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Hi I'm moving to gold Coast in January. I've just found out I'm pregnant , I will be able to fly still but my main question is, it's highly unlikely I will now be employed when I land as I will be 5 months pregnant. I won't be allowed to claim any matenity allowance from the UK I assume as I'll be in oz, but is there any help I can get until I have had baby and back in work in oz? I have an awful feeling that this is possibly the worst time financially to have fallen pregnant :-/ I have a pr visa . I can't delay the move for a few reasons; my son starts school in oz jan and fees all paid and his place at school has gone from jan in uk. I have paid for everything - flights accommodation car hire etc.... And house has sold!


if anyone knows anything i would really appreciate any advice x


I think you have to assume you are not going to be working for the foreseeable and you are not going to get any maternity benefits. Your partner needs to support you and you may need to fall back on savings. If that is not feasible then I can't see any option but post pinging the move, hopefully though it won't come to that.

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Awwww, i LOVE babies! Congratulations!


Not sure if this applies to your with your visa but with ours, on a 489, they have basically said as the centrelink (as i did ENQUIRE about help when first moving to the land of crocodile dundee) that because your new, you are entitled to *drum roll* NOT A DAMN THING!!! :(:(:( You have to wait 2 whole years. Christ. :(


I think savings need to be your safest bet and budgeting your day to day life. I couldn't find a job for 6 MONTHS! Apart from in a massage parlour.......We manage off small wages because we are tighter than a ducks butthole.........anything from petrol to shopping we spend as little as pos!


I do know though my 2 year has had free hospital treatment, MRI and blood tests because you have to earn under a certain threshold.


Im sorry I do mumble on. Ignore what i said and best phone the immigration office your dealing with :)


Good luck! :D

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Iirc it used to be you could claim maternity allowance from the UK if you moved abroad when pregnant or soon after and if you met the conditions and worked the weeks that made you eligible. I recall looking in to this when we migrated and it was the case then (2013) but may not be now. Might be worth double checking if its still possible. Might mean going to a Jobseekers office or something. It may be they've changed the rules on it and people moving overseas can no longer claim or only if remaining within the EU or some such.


You used to be able to apply for it from around 25 or 26 weeks and it could start being paid from 11 weeks prior to baby due date.





Maternity Allowance (MA) is paid for 39 weeks by Jobcentre Plus to women who do not qualify for SMP. You may be able to get Maternity Allowance if you have been employed for at least 26 weeks in the 66-week period before your baby’s due date and have earned over £30 per week for at least 13 weeks (not necessarily in a row). You can use employed and self-employed work and you can add together earnings from more than one job.

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Awwww, i LOVE babies! Congratulations!


Not sure if this applies to your with your visa but with ours, on a 489, they have basically said as the centrelink (as i did ENQUIRE about help when first moving to the land of crocodile dundee) that because your new, you are entitled to *drum roll* NOT A DAMN THING!!! :(:(:( You have to wait 2 whole years. Christ. :(


I think savings need to be your safest bet and budgeting your day to day life. I couldn't find a job for 6 MONTHS! Apart from in a massage parlour.......We manage off small wages because we are tighter than a ducks butthole.........anything from petrol to shopping we spend as little as pos!


I do know though my 2 year has had free hospital treatment, MRI and blood tests because you have to earn under a certain threshold.


Im sorry I do mumble on. Ignore what i said and best phone the immigration office your dealing with :)


Good luck! :D

The two years doesn't apply to family tax benefit and rent assistance. You can still claim those.

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