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Skilled Independent 189 Visa - Chef


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Hi all,


So I need some help regarding the Skilled Independent Visa (189).


My current situation is..


I travelled to Australia Jan 2015 for a working holiday visa. I met someone, fell in love and had to return to the UK after my one year.

I am now looking into a Skilled Independent visa to gain permanent residency. I am a qualified Chef. Graduated in 2012 but have been employed as a chef since 2009 to present.

I have completed my Medical Examination (All fine) and am now getting everything ready to submit my expression of interest.

I have been trying forever to get in contact with the Australian Embassy via phone for advice, but had no luck.


So i have some questions..


Other than my passport, what types of travel documentation can i use?

Does anyone know if its necessary to complete a English Language test? I am a British citizen and completed secondary school.

I am pretty sure its not necessary but could someone tell me about the completion of a recognised professional year in Australia?

Does the skills assessment actually involve any practical demonstration?

And what parts of the application can only be completed once i have been invited to apply?


Any extra advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.



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You will have to use your passport

You will not have to undertake a test of English, except for points

Professional years are not available for chefs

You can expect a technical interview

You cannot complete any parts of the application until you are invited to apply.


Best of luck

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different visa but you could always find a sponsor as a chef, there are many available. the 457 is a nightmare to be on and not always secure, but its an option


OP wants a permanent visa, as such the 457 is not suitable. A lot of pain (such as yours) could be avoided if people better understood the limitations of different visas and applied for the visa that fits their goals. The 189 sounds ideal for the OP.

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Be aware you must have your skills assessment before you complete an expression of interest. Likewise if need need the points by taking an English test you need to have done it - and have the results prior to the eoi. In effect you need everything ready, completed and results back before you lodge the eoi. If you don't, then you risk not only a refusal but a ban from applying.


It it might be a good idea to speak to a good registered migration agent such as wrussel who has replied above and whose contact details are in his signature.

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was just pointing out its another option, and for those without children (having to deal with school fees etc) its a great way in to Australia.

Thankfully for us we have resolved all our worries and visa issues and will be lodging for our 186 soon.

As long as people see the issues it can bring and understand how the visa works it can still be a good option via the sponsorship route.

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