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Telling my parents we are moving back to the UK


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Going to tell my parents tonight that we are hoping to move back to the UK. A bit scared about this as we have been gone for 9 years and feel now that we have taken their grand children away from them for so long, all for nothing. They were 4 and 2 when we left!! We are no longer happy here and have to make the move back, for very similar reasons that others post on here, sense of belonging, history, culture, family and friends. We definitely enjoyed our first few years here but know that we cannot stay here any longer.

we know that people will have moved on without us but would basically rather be in the UK then be so unhappy here! Wish me luck!!

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I wish you luck. Many go back and come back and go back and come back. A friend of my oh went back and stayed a couple of years and came back and now his wife will not return for a visit. I found when I went back to live I yearned to be back here, then we came back and I yearned to be there. Its the difference, we get used to stuff and when its not around we do not like it. Ponds we live in ponds.

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Don't look at it as taking the grandchildren away for nothing, look at it that you have had an adventure as a family and your children have lived in another country which is a great experience for them to have had.


I've been here 4 years and I although I love Australia and the wildlife and the fantastic scenery I know that we will be making the move back to the UK in the not too distant future. At this particular time in my life I know the UK suits me best but I also know that later in life I may return.


All the best on telling your parents, I am sure they will be thrilled.

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Thanks princessoz. Yes, we have had a wonderful adventure and our children have had some great experiences and have grown into confident children who are happy to socialise with anyone. I think that we have tried to keep the dream alive for too long though and there are things that we want them to experience in England which they were too young to appreciate before. You definitely canno beat English scenery, that is for sure!!

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Going to tell my parents tonight that we are hoping to move back to the UK. A bit scared about this as we have been gone for 9 years and feel now that we have taken their grand children away from them for so long, all for nothing.


It wasn't all for nothing! You and your children have experienced another culture and another climate. It was an adventure, at least for the first few years. You may not realise it but you've learned a lot about yourselves and you're a better person for the experience. And you'll appreciate the UK more than if you'd never left.

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Don't look at it as taking the grandchildren away for nothing, look at it that you have had an adventure as a family and your children have lived in another country which is a great experience for them to have had.


I've been here 4 years and I although I love Australia and the wildlife and the fantastic scenery I know that we will be making the move back to the UK in the not too distant future. At this particular time in my life I know the UK suits me best but I also know that later in life I may return.


All the best on telling your parents, I am sure they will be thrilled.


If your parents aren't completely thrilled to have you back then I would suggest that either: a) They don’t like you or b) you need to get new parents.

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