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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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No, they just used to have this endearing habit of burning you at the stake after a nice heretics kangaroo court, thousands and thousands, wherever the Catholics, and then the Protestants, went, sometimes they'ed just keep it to slow strangulation and to keep the crowds entertained disembowlment and castration.

You've hit the nail on the head - "used to" being the operative phrase - there had been an evolution of Christianity whereas Islam is still back with Muhammad (no, I am not an adherent of any sky fairy!). You really want to return to that type of behavioural control? I most certainly do not and I definitely don't want that for my grandkids. I'm betting that poor bloke in Minto didn't really want it either!


If followers of Islam believe that sort of behaviour is the way to go they have no place in Australia but if they believe that such actions are wrong in an enlightened Australia they need to stand up and say so! I'm more concerned with what people are planning to do in the future than what people may have done in the past.

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You've hit the nail on the head - "used to" being the operative phrase - there had been an evolution of Christianity whereas Islam is still back with Muhammad (no, I am not an adherent of any sky fairy!). You really want to return to that type of behavioural control? I most certainly do not and I definitely don't want that for my grandkids. I'm betting that poor bloke in Minto didn't really want it either!


If followers of Islam believe that sort of behaviour is the way to go they have no place in Australia but if they believe that such actions are wrong in an enlightened Australia they need to stand up and say so! I'm more concerned with what people are planning to do in the future than what people may have done in the past.


Those grand mufti or whatever they're called and other preachers don't seem to be helping young Muslims here with decent/enlightened speeches in the mosques. Either that or nobody is listening to them.

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Flag you are out of step with most Australian's concerns.


I just read another poll that says 60% of Australians would be concerned if an Australian married a Muslim.




Where do you go with that then, I simply do not not know how to make any sense of such a high percentage having that view, I suppose you have to remember that the whites only policy ended officially 50 years ago, more troubling though is do people realise the different sects within Islam, the same as in Christianity and do people realise that not everyone with a brown skin is a muslim.

But then maybe it's not that surprising, if the same survey was done in the Muslim or Jewish communities I'm sure it would be more predjudiced but I would have thought in a much more secular society that this kind of prejudice would have been more eroded.

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So non-Australians, not in Australia, in a detainment center .. okay.


So Australia bears no responsibility, it's a bit like the Nazis locating most of their death camps in Poland and Russia having the Gulags in Siberia so their citizens consciences wouldn't be troubled, come off it, Australians guard them, Australians transport them, Australians have responsibility for their health, any other little psychological tricks you can perform to absolve your conscience of caring for your fellow man.

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It must be very rusty.




It's not in there.


But not working on a Sunday is right in the middle.


Shame 'god' had to have 3 dedicated to himself, or he could have squeezed 'don't rape kids' in there.


As i said I'm a bit rusty , it's the two great commandments in Matthew, 22:35-40 given by Jesus.

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Where do you go with that then, I simply do not not know how to make any sense of such a high percentage having that view, I suppose you have to remember that the whites only policy ended officially 50 years ago, more troubling though is do people realise the different sects within Islam, the same as in Christianity and do people realise that not everyone with a brown skin is a muslim.

But then maybe it's not that surprising, if the same survey was done in the Muslim or Jewish communities I'm sure it would be more predjudiced but I would have thought in a much more secular society that this kind of prejudice would have been more eroded.


I'm pretty sure the survey only asked something like 1000 people - with a sample size so small it's easy to steer the results to show exactly what someone wants them to.

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Guest Michaela60
I'm pretty sure the survey only asked something like 1000 people - with a sample size so small it's easy to steer the results to show exactly what someone wants them to.

Especially if the poll was taken in Qld!

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I'm pretty sure the survey only asked something like 1000 people - with a sample size so small it's easy to steer the results to show exactly what someone wants them to.


I think several thousand were asked, (from memory) but the take up was small. Only about a thousand responded. As such the results were not too bad. A similar loaded question asked in around 1988 if the respondent thought too many Asians were entering Australia, was met with a resounding 75% (again from memory) affirmative.


Thus considering the negative publicity around Islam and the influence of hate groups, (clearly influence can be observed on forums as this) we are doing rather well.

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So Australia bears no responsibility, it's a bit like the Nazis locating most of their death camps in Poland and Russia having the Gulags in Siberia so their citizens consciences wouldn't be troubled, come off it, Australians guard them, Australians transport them, Australians have responsibility for their health, any other little psychological tricks you can perform to absolve your conscience of caring for your fellow man.

Definitely. Australian taxpayers pay for them.

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