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First time owners grant - Qld


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Does anyone know if owning a property overseas precludes buyers in QLD from the first time owners grant? Can't see it anywhere in the rules...mortgage advisors have told us we'd be eligible for this and the guidelines apply to 'property in Australia only' but has anyone direct experience of this?

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Does anyone know if owning a property overseas precludes buyers in QLD from the first time owners grant? Can't see it anywhere in the rules...mortgage advisors have told us we'd be eligible for this and the guidelines apply to 'property in Australia only' but has anyone direct experience of this?


We had owned homes in the UK prior to moving to Australia in 2006 and we were given the first home owners grant when we built our house in 2008.

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It's just the first time buyers stamp duty concession that excludes anyone who ever owned a house anywhere in the world. We recently bought an established house and got no concessions for being first time buyers, though we got an owner-occupier discount on stamp duty which was still extortionate!

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