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187 2 year requirement


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Hi everyone.


I haven't even completed 2 months of my 2 years yet and I'm already dreading work the next day to the point of tears. I have anxiety so this is contributing to the level of stress and I know I just need to suck it up as they say.


However I thought I would enquire to see if anyone was in a similar position and had any advice or tips hat helped them, to help me get through the remaining 22 months.


I am planning to do the entire two years as I don't want to risk anything and I started working for this company in January this year.

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I really would look at options. Even if it meant losing the 187. I have worked in similar situations and it was not pleasant and it will start to have significant health effects. Nothing is worth that.


My my wife tried to put up with it in one work place and it was a huge mistake that has caused things we will live with forever.


I would seek professional advice to see if there might be a way round the visa Issue.

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Thank you for your reply. It's taken me six years to get residency and I just don't want to risk it but I know it's coming at a price. Work know I have no option to leave and I feel I have no voice because I don't want to cause any issues but I'm not happy with the way I'm being treated. There are no laws being broken so I feel I don't have a leg to stand on if I do leave. I have a month off in November and we close for two weeks at Christmas so I'm just trying to focus on the time off coming up. This is my first rural experience, my partner can't get any work in the town so he's now fifo so I'm stuck on my own most the time with no licence to get around.

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Hi everyone.


I haven't even completed 2 months of my 2 years yet and I'm already dreading work the next day to the point of tears. I have anxiety so this is contributing to the level of stress and I know I just need to suck it up as they say.


However I thought I would enquire to see if anyone was in a similar position and had any advice or tips hat helped them, to help me get through the remaining 22 months.


I am planning to do the entire two years as I don't want to risk anything and I started working for this company in January this year.


I would recommend you to keep records of everything that happens at work and causes you stress and tears. Also you can email your boss (always written communication that you can recover in your inbox, instead of just paper that can be destroyed) and talk to them. If things dont get better and you leave your job, if the immigration decides to investigate you will have proof that things weren't good there for you. Also keep a good relationship with other staff members even if you leave your job so they can support you if something happens.

If you have been in australia so many years in a few months you will get citizenship so by the time the start investigating you might be a citizen already.If you ask most of the migration agents, they cannot tell you what is gonna happen with your case but they will definitely say that they have never heard of anyone losing their pr.

Best of luck my friend

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Thanks very much gogita. Good idea about the emails. I feel with so much time off coming up it would be more sensible to wait until the start of next year to bring anything up as I really want to try and do atleast 12 months to be over the genuine effort Mark. Unfortunately as I canceled my student visa and transferred to a bridging visa e to start working for this employer I'm not eligible for citizenship for another four years. Most of the staff feel the same as me so again good advice on maintaining positive relationships.


Has anyone else on this forum left before the two years and gone through Immi investigating your case??

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  • 4 months later...

Still sticking it out. 6 months will be completed this week. Another girl working with me that hasn't even received her grant yet. I feel for her too. Things are slightly better. Visited family back home after 5 years without seeing them. Finally got my drivers licence. Anyone else counting down their two years??

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Still sticking it out. 6 months will be completed this week. Another girl working with me that hasn't even received her grant yet. I feel for her too. Things are slightly better. Visited family back home after 5 years without seeing them. Finally got my drivers licence. Anyone else counting down their two years??


Have you asked immi when will you become eligible to apply for citizenship?

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No because I haven't done a year as a resident. I was told on here that as I was unlawful regardless of how long, in my case 2 hours or so, that restarts the 4 year requirement.
If you move onto a Bridging Visa E, any time before the BVE is issued is no longer counted towards the residency requirement so yes, the clock restarts.
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If you move onto a Bridging Visa E, any time before the BVE is issued is no longer counted towards the residency requirement so yes, the clock restarts.


From what I m reading on internet unfortunately I believe you are right.

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