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What are steps to examine and claim the disability status?


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I've lived in Oz for more than 1 years and haven't known much about the social services system here. I was wondering what steps I need to take for examining and claiming the disability status. I did some search but most of the available resources from government involves more about claiming disability support pension, although examination is part of it. I think I don't qualify for the pension as I'm still working OK (full time) and it doesn't interfere much on my job. But I'm likely to need consultation, care and monitoring regarding my condition.


So do you have experience or can you advise about steps to be taken? Should I just pop in a GP office and s/he will know about the process (and what is it btw?). Or do I have to book appointment with a sort of specific service, for example, with Department of Human Services' contract doctors?

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My understanding is that Disability support provides you with a payment if you have a disability that prevents you from working.


If you are able to work full time, then I believe the government view would be that you don't need that support.


However I would speak to Centrelink and see what they say.

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My understanding is that Disability support provides you with a payment if you have a disability that prevents you from working.


If you are able to work full time, then I believe the government view would be that you don't need that support.


However I would speak to Centrelink and see what they say.


As you appear to be asking about healthcare, then going to the doctor seems to be the sensible thing to do.


Thanks for these suggestions, I'll give them a try. The reason I'm asking is because I'd like to hear experience and advice from social services perspective. In particular, although it's likely I'm not qualified for the disability support pension, I've read that the government has other forms of support for people with disability (e.g., mobility aid, personal assistance). I'm just not sure about the process of these sorts of support.

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If you go online I think there it shows what you can and can't claim for You may be eligible for the disability pension but not get it paid as you work full time ( hope that makes sense )

Or you could ring them and they will post firms to you to take to your GP or specialist to show how your condition affects your day to day living arrangements

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In particular, although it's likely I'm not qualified for the disability support pension, I've read that the government has other forms of support for people with disability (e.g., mobility aid, personal assistance). I'm just not sure about the process of these sorts of support.


Your first step is to see a G.P. and discuss your situation with them. They will then refer you to the appropriate service if required.

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