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Looking for hints and tips for Bali or Fiji


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I was there about 18 years ago, very quiet then hardly any tourists and from memory very few cars, seem to remember lots of carts pulled by oxen? Pretty bad roads. Probably changed since then. Looks lovely.


Well the main roads - like to and from the airport - are ok, but the rest are pretty awful! They are lots of buffalo around (if you want to marry a girl, apparently the going rate is one buffalo given to her father), and some horse drawn carts (apparently called Do-ka - no idea about spelling) but those seemed to be mainly for tourists. We went exploring one day by moped, but there were just too many potholes for it to be a relaxing experience.


Looks just like any nice Australian beach.


The people and the culture are totally different - no comparison at all. Lombok is a mostly muslem country, although we only saw one lady in the full burqa, and a few in hijabs, but not all. It's only really the younger generation that speak any languages other than Sasak and Indonesian, and for a people with mostly very little material possessions, they are the friendliest, happiest, most gentle people you could ever hope to meet. They don't drink and apart from beer, alcohol is not easy to buy in shops (no such thing as a bottle shop there) but unfortunately smoking is still pretty widespread.


Oh, and things are still pretty cheap there. That's my biggest gripe about holidays in Australia - your money just goes so much further in a place like Bali or Lombok or Thailand.


This is another beach we spent some time on after hiring a local fisherman to take us there - it's called Bumbang and has a few villas for hire and a small bar.




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No Bali is nothing like Australia at all - that is why so many go there. I have travelled around a fair bit and I think Bali is one of the most exotic places I have been to and just on our doorstep too.


I didn't say it was in total.


But showing a picture of a Bali beach doesn't convince me.

Australian beaches are just as good as Bali beaches.


The rest of the country is a corrupt 3rd world country as far as I am concerned.

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I didn't say it was in total.


But showing a picture of a Bali beach doesn't convince me.

Australian beaches are just as good as Bali beaches.


The rest of the country is a corrupt 3rd world country as far as I am concerned.


Although I believe it was Lombok which isn't Bali. Well if going purely on beaches then Australia's would by most measurements out class Indonesian and indeed most Asian beaches.

You again write with disdain at developing world countries and people, but the fact remains. People enjoy more, have more fun, are able to partake in far more things than an Australian holiday, which is usually way over priced, predictable largely if following norms and lacking exotic and the warmness often found in the people in those countries you so disregard.

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Well the main roads - like to and from the airport - are ok, but the rest are pretty awful! They are lots of buffalo around (if you want to marry a girl, apparently the going rate is one buffalo given to her father), and some horse drawn carts (apparently called Do-ka - no idea about spelling) but those seemed to be mainly for tourists. We went exploring one day by moped, but there were just too many potholes for it to be a relaxing experience.




The people and the culture are totally different - no comparison at all. Lombok is a mostly muslem country, although we only saw one lady in the full burqa, and a few in hijabs, but not all. It's only really the younger generation that speak any languages other than Sasak and Indonesian, and for a people with mostly very little material possessions, they are the friendliest, happiest, most gentle people you could ever hope to meet. They don't drink and apart from beer, alcohol is not easy to buy in shops (no such thing as a bottle shop there) but unfortunately smoking is still pretty widespread.


Oh, and things are still pretty cheap there. That's my biggest gripe about holidays in Australia - your money just goes so much further in a place like Bali or Lombok or Thailand.


This is another beach we spent some time on after hiring a local fisherman to take us there - it's called Bumbang and has a few villas for hire and a small bar.




This is often the case. I haven't ben on Lombok for a number of decades. Didn't come across another ' white person' during the ten days travelling around the island. Only a French guy on the ferry heading for Bali, whom had spent time island hoping in the region. A very interesting but very taxing time for reasons described. There are few countries more interesting than Indonesia anywhere in the world.

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