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Is this homesickness?


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I've been in Sydney now 7 years and just wanted others thoughts as I'm finding it harder recently. I'm not sure if this is homesickness or just life but it feels harder here now I have AU citizenship than when I was struggling to get sponsored. I never really planned to migrate here and I'm beginning to wonder if it's time to move back to the Uk. Although when I think about actually doing it, it scares me and feels so final.



My first few years here were amazing but the last couple I have struggled. I've had job issues (resulting in money issues) and lots of friends moving states / settling down. I did have a great social life but recently I don't feel i have many close friends at all, just acquaintances and thinking ahead I've no idea who I will spend Christmas with. I've dated but not met anyone special and I really find it hard around public holidays / Christmas here. But then the idea of meeting someone here and never living back in the UK scares me!



When I think about moving back though I know the life I left in the UK would not be the same and it would take a while to get back into a good job and I wonder if friends will have moved on too.



I know I've drifted from my family too - it didn't help that I didn't make it back for a family wedding which caused some upset. But I wonder if I moved back it would be easier to rebuild those relationships than it is from afar. I'm confused as I loved it my first few years so it feels strange to not love it now.

Also I never disliked the UK or was unhappy, I just came out on a working holiday visa, loved it and stayed without really thinking too much about it so never planning to migrate or stay this long.



Is this homesickness? Or am I just thinking the grass is greener?

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Probably a bit of homesickness, but sounds a lot like general growing pains too. Without knowing you I would say you are late 20s, early 30s and you're finding that your social circle is shrinking as people get married, have kids, move places where houses are affordable, etc. Little by little, you are finding less opportunities to socialise because there are fewer people around and you get fewer invites to things. That's my guess anyway. It's a perfectly normal thing to happen and I struggled with the same because I moved to Aus at a similar age.


I would say it's probably a good opportunity to develop a 5 year plan. Instead of just bumbling along doing lots of fun stuff. Now is the time you should take a moment and build a life for yourself. Do you want to stay in Sydney? Then throw yourself into settling down there and making it long term. Do you want to move back home? Then go and do the same hard work into re-invigorating the relationships that can be re-invigorated, and letting go of the relationships that can't be.


Thus endeth the Dr. Phil analysis

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Suck it and see! I'm not a great one for long term plans, more along the lines of "its it working? " if it is then stick with it but if it isn't then move along. Plenty of time to "settle" when you're pushing up daisies! Think of it as another adventure and off you go!

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Why not just move back and give it a go. You have citizenship and no ties so what's stopping you. Australia isn't going anywhere, maybe it will be right for you again in the future and maybe not. Why consider the move as final and put unwarranted pressure on yourself.[/quote


Yes that is what I am beginning to think - I'm very lucky to have the option to come back if I decide to. I am very grateful for that. When I think about what is holding me back I find it hard to answer beyond i have started a new job and i'd like to move back with some savings - but nothing to say I couldn't plan to move back early next year

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Probably a bit of homesickness, but sounds a lot like general growing pains too. Without knowing you I would say you are late 20s, early 30s and you're finding that your social circle is shrinking as people get married, have kids, move places where houses are affordable, etc. Little by little, you are finding less opportunities to socialise because there are fewer people around and you get fewer invites to things. That's my guess anyway. It's a perfectly normal thing to happen and I struggled with the same because I moved to Aus at a similar age.


I would say it's probably a good opportunity to develop a 5 year plan. Instead of just bumbling along doing lots of fun stuff. Now is the time you should take a moment and build a life for yourself. Do you want to stay in Sydney? Then throw yourself into settling down there and making it long term. Do you want to move back home? Then go and do the same hard work into re-invigorating the relationships that can be re-invigorated, and letting go of the relationships that can't be.


Thus endeth the Dr. Phil analysis



Love the dr Phil analysis :)



Good guess on my age - I'm early 30s and do think the social circle changes are age related which do make me think the same thing could happen wherever I am now I think about it. I do feel like I'm bumbling a bit which is out of character for me as I'm more of a planner.


I do like Sydney, but hadn't until recently really thought that I might not live back in the UK again which does make me sad a bit when I think about it. I've been wanting to feel more settled here so would really like to buy a unit but Sydney is crazy expensive so I'm years away from being able to achieve that. Unless there is a property crash. Not that it's the only way to settle but it would make it harder to up and go.


im not sure about a 5 year plan but you have made me think I should put some sort of time frame on it - maybe a year of really making the effort here.


thabks for posting - you have given me some things to think about

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A lot of similarities with our story, you sound similar age and we also came as backpackers in 2010.


If it had not been for job opportunities we would have moved back last year, as it is we are hanging on for a bit longer. I think when you get to early 30's you really start to see the limitations of Sydney, particularly if you are an average wage earner. House and rent prices have now become out of control, as you know, and I wouldn't hold out for a crash - too many tax breaks for investors for that to happen.


Unless you are willing to live in Blacktown or Penrith which make then UK seem like heaven there isn't a lot of choice.


It all depends how much you like this city, but by the sounds of it it's wearing thin, in which case I would make the move back as soon as possible. What do you have to lose? If things don't work out, come back.

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