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WHV + 6 Month Working rule + Bridging Visa question


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I was on a WHV, as you all know can only work with one employer for 6 months. I am now on a bridging visa(Applying for 457) , My six month would technically be up on the 29th August, however now I am on BVA and its a different visa does this 6 months start from the day it was activated i.s 3rd August? or is my 6th month still 29th August.





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Are you definitely on the BVA and it is not just in the background? Just checking as sometimes people think they go on to the bridging vusa as soon as they apply for a different visa.


I'm sure I am. The bridging visa was granted as soon as my 457 application was submitted and I checked on vevo and it's status is In Effect and my old TRN is no longer valid.

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I'm sure I am. The bridging visa was granted as soon as my 457 application was submitted and I checked on vevo and it's status is In Effect and my old TRN is no longer valid.


And that was my point. :wink:No it isn't granted as soon as you lodge a 457, well it is but it isn't active, it is only in the background until the WHV expires. Unless you lodged the same day your WHV expired that is? When did you enter Australia on your WHV?

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And that was my point. :wink:No it isn't granted as soon as you lodge a 457, well it is but it isn't active, it is only in the background until the WHV expires. Unless you lodged the same day your WHV expired that is? When did you enter Australia on your WHV?


I entered Aus aug 3rd 2015 expired Aug 3rd 2016, I applied for the 457 on the 1st July so I checked on the Vevo a couple days ago and the BV has kicked in, I thought that was standard on all onshore visa applications ?


Anyway back to my original question lol the 6 month thing any ideas ??

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I entered Aus aug 3rd 2015 expired Aug 3rd 2016, I applied for the 457 on the 1st July so I checked on the Vevo a couple days ago and the BV has kicked in, I thought that was standard on all onshore visa applications ?


Anyway back to my original question lol the 6 month thing any ideas ??


Your original question was unanswerable without establishing some facts. And I was trying to establish whether you were actually on the BVA as it makes rather a large difference. Nothing you told me until this post clarified one way or ther other. In your last post you said you were on it as soon as you lodged the 457 which was clearly not the case and quite unlikely too. Anyway I will not bother answering your question if you are going to be rude.

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Does a bridging visa not have the same conditions as the last visa you held? Then the 6 month rule with one employer would still apply

Yes it does. You can apply to have that restriction lifted if you have applied for an employer sponsored visa though.

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I had heard that a bridging visa is the same conditions as your previous visa but saying that I've applied for a 187 visa and I'm currently on BVA as my WHV has expired. my BVA grant notice says I have full work rights and full study rights so I took it as that the 6 month rule is lifted and I've even been accepted to study a course which is more than 4 months (the study limit for a WHV) .. This maybe because the 187 visa is for PR though!?




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The 6 month thing is still on Vevo on my bridging visa. I'm pretty sure the 6 month this starts again as its a new / different visa i.e its not longer a WHV but a BVA so although 6th months limit I think its 6 months from the 3rd August. I will check this out.


Thanks all for your help.



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