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visa :skilled independant 136

Guest bshootz

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Guest bshootz

:shock: Please help anyone out there,in the process of filling out the visa application form, for which i am the main applicant and have come to the part where it asks you about your points and your spouses points, :? All very confused because didnt think that he needed to get his skills assessed .What do i put for him or do i leave it blank help :!: :shock: Thought things where going tooooo well.Any advise would be greatly received.Beckyx

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Guest mr_nastey

Hi Becky,


I am also getting (hopefully) the same Visa (Meds. on Thursday!) and unless you need your partner's 5 points (which I did although I didn't know it at the time) you don't have to apply for them, you can just ignore this part.


But be aware that if you do need them you cannot add them on after you have made the application. You won't need them if you have 120 points or over. Unfortunatley I was stupid and thought I only needed 115 points (long story) so I now have to invest a 100000 $AUS to get the extra 5 points I need. Doh! :oops:


Please feel free to PM me f you need any further help as it can be a bit confusing.





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Guest bshootz

Hi Steve thanks for your reply,i have 125 points without hubby, so i should be ok :D .I'm sure these forms are designed to be confusing and to catch us out :!: :shock: Hope everything goes well for you, which part of Aus do you wish to migrate to, we are hopefully migrating to the Perth side.

Thanks again Beckyx. :)

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Guest mr_nastey

Hi Becky,


I don't know where in Oz I want to settle yet as I've never been there and I don't know anyone there!!


But recently I have been swaying towards Perth (house prices, climate etc. etc.) but I'm an Automotive Engineer by profession and most of this type of work is in Melbourne.


Though what I do as a job is secondary after 'location, location, location' so I hope to arrive and travel around prior to picking a spot.


How did you decide on Perth?


Regards Steve.

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Guest bshootz

Hi, Perth seems to be the up and coming city, plus the nice climate all year round had a big influence too ,our family are outside people and love the beach and sea,although wont be venturing in too many thoughts of sharks around :shock: . We would like to visit the other side and see what that has to offer too but Perth seems to tick all our boxes at the moment,Im a nurse and i know there will be work which ever side of Aus we go.


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