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Do You Need a Transfer visa?


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I never heard of this before but my mum said it was on "Rip of Britain" that if you get connecting flights you have to have Transfer visas for the countries you change planes in. Is this true? surely that would just be if you intended leaving the airport. Not sure of route yet neither change at dubai or paris then china. We are on mixed British and Australian passports. Please advise.

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SOME nationalities do require transit visas while transiting CERTAIN countries. You need to check the requirements. e.g. there is a long list of nationalities that cannot transit through Australia without a transit visa, even if they won't disembark the aircraft (let alone leave the transit area).


I always use Emirates visa search function for that. You enter your nationality, country of residence, destination, and transit country(ies), and it gives you a comprehensive response.


It's based on IATA so it's guaranteed to be updated all the time




P.S.: above URL available only from a desktop, no mobile devices.

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Thanks Ahmad for the really helpful response. This appears to be for that airline only as china or saudi arabia aren't options but will see it other airlines do similar.


No this link does NOT apply only to flights aboard Emirates. It applies to any airline. Data is sourced from IATA.

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Thanks Ahmad for the really helpful response. This appears to be for that airline only as china or saudi arabia aren't options but will see it other airlines do similar.


I found them both listed. It probably is the best list I have seen all in one place. j

With the route you outlined above though, if all you do is get off the plane and then board the next one, you shouldn't need visas.

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