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Ahmad Shady

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Everything posted by Ahmad Shady

  1. That "suggestion" is a recipe for disaster I'd have to say
  2. Hi How old are you? How many years of full time experience do you have? and how many of which are in/outside Australia?
  3. 1- Needs to be approved to be able to work for the new sponsor, you MIGHT be able to convince the department not to cancel based on the submitted nomination 2- Depending on the cancellation power/reason they use
  4. yes it does, as long as there are no gaps/unlawful periods that resets the four years
  5. nothing happens ... 187 is not "dependent" once granted and landed in the country, except in very limited visa cancellation circumstances (getting citizenship is not one of them)
  6. Here is the list https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2016L00778 Apologies for the earlier comment, I didn't notice they had that mistake on the website.
  7. Hi Yasemin https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Allocation-dates-for-General-Skilled-Migration-applications/regional-growth
  8. Sure, can you give me some background on your qualifications and work experience?
  9. Hi Rob There are various options here at hand. You might be qualified to apply in your own right for a skilled visa. Also your employer could apply to become a sponsor and sponsor you for a 457 visa, or they can nominate you for a 186 for instance. To explore the options, feel free to contact me if you wish. I am Sydney based but I have been helping clients around the globe.
  10. Well the delay in 187 does not necessarily mean a refusal ..... You need to weigh your options 1- If you don't apply for a student visa 2- If you apply for a student visa #1 pros Full time work rights #1 cons if 187 is refused, you can only go through the 187 review process OR leave Australia, can't apply for further visas aside from a limited set of visa subclasses
  11. You can apply for a new student visa any time between now and 28 days from the day your current one ceases (if this is the first time you apply for a student visa onshore while on a bridging visa or without a visa at all)
  12. If 187 is refused you can't apply for a further student visa onshore
  13. That is not true. 820 comes with NIL conditions. 309 SOMETIMES comes with Condition 8502 (The holder of the visa must not enter Australia before the entry to Australia of a person specified in the visa.), besides the usual "must make first entry before" condition, but partner visas never come with a condition to keep immigration updated with your address.
  14. You can always update your address via form 929 or online. No worries they do not expect you not to move around
  15. Hi Muntasir, I believe you'd be better off starting a new thread for your inquiry Technically speaking, you definitely get the visa when it's granted.
  16. Hi Amanda I believe you mean registering with the ANZCA or becoming a FANZCA, and by the DWS restrictions you are referring to s19AA and s19AB restrictions If he becomes a FANZCA there are some ways to obtain exemptions from such restrictions. Also, in all cases, please note that DWS map for specialists is different from the DWS map for GPs. e.g. in Sydney, Menai is DWS for specialists, but not for GPs. i.e. Specialists like your husband would have access to less remote and more urban areas to work in.
  17. Well it depends. What did the sponsor tell immigration to cancel the nomination? If they plain and simple said the job offer is no longer on the table, that should not be an issue in a subsequent nomination, given that employers and employees can have their differences, and can work them out later. If they said something else, I wouldn't know to be honest. Depends on what they have said.
  18. The Australian Passport Office requires it for children who are Australian By Birth, if neither parent was a citizen and had an Australian passport issued before the child's date of birth. Previously the proof that one parent was a PR by way of visa label was sufficient, now it's no longer sufficient and applying for citizenship evidencing (which is NOT an application for citizenship as the child is already a citizen by operation of law in that case, but only an evidence thereof) is required now prior to applying for the passport for the Australian Citizen child
  19. You MAY be able to get an Australian Declaratory Visa for him on the British Passport
  20. H Flemeechan Skilled migration won't be possible unfortunately due to age, however, moving on a work visa is still viable if you can find a job offer in Australia. You'd need to work at least 4 years for the same employer at the high-earning tax bracket income in each of the 4 years to qualify for age exempton to PR afterwards, but I highly doubt this would be possible as the pay for nurses is rarely within that bracket
  21. Hi Rosco, Quick question. Is the fee quoted for the nomination and the visa, or just for the visa?
  22. Yes worst case is it will expire and you will have to redo it (if the officer doesn't give you a 6-months extension which COULD be granted on an officer's discretion)
  23. I do not see a good reason to extend the student visa since a BVA (especially one leading to a 187) is more preferential and beneficial than a student visa, unless your MA has some concern about your 187 and fears a 187 refusal.
  24. Don't do it. There is a good possibility the health checks would expire before processing is over, and then you'd incur the costs again.
  25. Your bridging visa will kick in the day your student visa expires. Actually you're better off on a BV leading up to a 187 than on a student visa. Just make sure you have your BV Grant Letter.
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