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Should I Use an Agent? Advice


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Hi All,


I have recently started the process of applying for my 189 skilled visa, I have completed my ILETS and sent off my skills recognition to Engineers Australia.


I am unsure if I should use an agent, given the cost I would prefer not too. I believe my case is straight forward with the exception of my police clearance, over the last 10 years I have lived in a lot of different countries including Saudi Arabia & Qatar. Has anyone had experience getting a police clearance cert from these countries before? Also would an agent make this any easier?



Any help would be greatly appreciated,





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I'd think you'd still be the one to have to apply for the police checks from other countries. It wouldn't be the agents job afaik.

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As above, an agent will not help with these really.


if you have spent more than 12 months there in total in the last 10 years you will need clearance.


If I were you I would apply to those countries ASAP as they will probably take a while to come through. The police checks will remain valid after a year IF you do not enter those countries again ( makes sense as you cannot commit a crime there if you don't go) . Police checks for your country of residence will expire after 12 months though.


Sometimes it can be worth paying an agent to look at your case and give advice if you are unsure of options, even if they don't do the actual application for you.

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hi - we are currently going for our 189 via an agent - if it helps I can send you some of the info that we have received so you have an idea of the documents you will need and the different steps involved. Let me know.



Check with your agent whether s/he is happy for you to release information sent to you.


Best regards.

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I usually say......do you implicitly trust yourself and your own ability to check, double check and triple check things....do you know all avenues and options available to you.....and how important is your visa..... Is it your dream? Does a job depend on it, etc etc?

Personally I would not need to think again about using an agent after realising my own dream is far too important to be left in my incapable hands...I want that added support and security to know I've done everything possible. We can't afford an agent. But we still got one....and he has been invaluable and a good one is worth their weight in gold. Plenty people do without, but not for us.

All the very best with everything!

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